Choose a category (for example, “Numbers”) Choose a point level (for example, “200”) The facilitator will read the ANSWER 3,800 The first group to provide the correct QUESTION, wins the points What is the number of participating CFD approved charities? The team with the most points wins! No deductions for wrong answers If the first team gets it wrong, the next team has one chance to try it again Its okay if you don’t start the question with “what is”
NumbersDatesImportant PhrasesPotpourri
$5.6 million
$100 million
October 6, 2011
September 30, 1984
November 30, 2011
December 2, 2011
I was not asked
Offering convenience, choice & confidentiality
Payroll deduction
A great way to engage employees in the campaign is to arrange for a _______ _______ to make a presentation.
When filing with the IRS, donors should keep in mind that CFD donations are ____________.
Promoting the CFD during work hours is acceptable (with supervisor permission) because the CFD is considered _____________.
“Empowering Washington public employees and retirees to strengthen communities through the funding and support of charities.”