IRI Model Introduction NCU, Institute of Space Science
What’s ‘IRI Model” IRI-International Reference Ionosphere IRI-International Reference Ionosphere Sponsored by COSPAR* and URSI** Sponsored by COSPAR* and URSI** An empirical standard model of the ionosphere An empirical standard model of the ionosphere Combine with many models Combine with many models Based on all available data sources Based on all available data sources COSPAR : Committee on Space Research COSPAR : Committee on Space Research URSI : the International Union of Radio Science URSI : the International Union of Radio Science
Data Sources Worldwide network of ionosondes Worldwide network of ionosondes The powerful incoherent scatter radars The powerful incoherent scatter radars The ISIS and Alouette topside sounders The ISIS and Alouette topside sounders In situ instruments on several satellites and rockets In situ instruments on several satellites and rockets
ISIS and Alouette topside sounders A satellite-based swept-frequency HF sounder can obtain electron density profiles on a global scale. A satellite-based swept-frequency HF sounder can obtain electron density profiles on a global scale.
Lowell Digisonde
Incoherent Scatter Radars
Information For given location, time and date, IRI describes : For given location, time and date, IRI describes : The electron density The electron density Electron temperature Electron temperature Ion temperature Ion temperature Ion composition in the altitude range from Ion composition in the altitude range from about 50 km to about 2000 km about 50 km to about 2000 km Total electron content. Total electron content. Update : yearly during special IRI Workshops Update : yearly during special IRI Workshops
Different Kind of IRI Model FORTRAN Code FORTRAN Code IRI-2001 WINDOWS IRI-2001 WINDOWS IRI-2001 ON-LINE IRI-2001 ON-LINE