April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review1 Overview of the SLAC HEP Program Persis S. Drell Research Director SLAC
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review2
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review3 The SLAC Program X-ray Experiments in FTTB
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review4 B-Factory Program
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review5 B-factory Program PEP-II Accelerator Collides e+ and e- with unequal beam energies at E CM =10.58 GeV Premier tool for studying physics of heavy flavor BaBar Detector Optimized for B-physics at asymmetric energy collider Run by International Collaboration of > 500 physicists from 74 institutions in 9 countries Strong laboratory support for premier program Strong International Collaboration Leadership Spokesman: Marcello Giorgi (Pisa/INFN) Analysis Coordinator: Livio Lanceri (Trieste) Technical Coordinator: Bill Wisniewski (SLAC) Computing Coordinator: Stephen Gowdy (SLAC)
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review6 USA California Institute of Technology UC, Irvine UC, Los Angeles UC, Riverside UC, San Diego UC, Santa Barbara UC, Santa Cruz U of Cincinnati U of Colorado Colorado State Florida A&M Harvard U of Iowa Iowa State U LBNL LLNL U of Louisville U of Maryland U of Massachusetts, Amherst MIT U of Mississippi Mount Holyoke College SUNY, Albany U of Notre Dame Ohio State U U of Oregon U of Pennsylvania Prairie View A&M U Princeton U SLAC U of South Carolina Stanford U U of Tennessee U of Texas at Albany U of Texas at Dallas Vanderbilt U of Wisconsin Yale Canada U of British Columbia McGill U U de Montréal U of Victoria China Inst. of High Energy Physics, Beijing France LAPP, Annecy LAL Orsay LPNHE des Universités Paris VI et VII Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet CEA, DAPNIA, CE-Saclay Germany Ruhr U Bochum Technische U Dresden U Rostock Italy INFN, Bari INFN, Ferrara Lab. Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN INFN, Genova INFN, Milano INFN, Napoli INFN, Padova INFN, Pisa INFN, Roma and U "La Sapienza" INFN, Torino INFN, Trieste Norway U of Bergen Russia Budker Institute, Novosibirsk United Kingdom U of Birmingham U of Bristol Brunel U U of Edinburgh U of Liverpool Imperial College Queen Mary, U of London U of London, Royal Holloway U of Manchester Rutherford Appleton Laboratory The B A B AR Collaboration 9 Countries 74 Institutions 566 Physicists
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review7 B-factory Program PEP-II Accelerator Collides e+ and e- with unequal beam energies at E CM =10.58 GeV Premier tool for studying physics of heavy flavor BaBar Detector Optimized for B-physics at asymmetric energy collider Run by International Collaboration of > 500 physicists from 74 institutions in 9 countries Strong laboratory support for premier program Strong International Collaboration Leadership Spokesman: Marcello Giorgi (Pisa/INFN) Analysis Coordinator: Livio Lanceri (Trieste) Technical Coordinator: Bill Wisniewski (SLAC) Computing Coordinator: Stephen Gowdy (SLAC)
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review8 Building for the Future CountryGrad StudentsPost DocsBaBar PhD’s CANADA630 CHINA000 FRANCE13**25 GERMANY1566 ITALY25**134 NORWAY100 RUSSIA0**00 UK USA62737 Totals* * BaBar Physicist Members, Not Including Associates **Underestimated – people obtain permanent positions very early 12/02
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review9 B-Factory: Past Year 100 fb-1 (Run 2) followed by long (4.5 mo) down Shutdown work: PEP-II Enable increased currents and smaller * BaBar TDC Upgrade for DIRC (French effort) SVT Work (Italy & US) IFR Endcap upgrade (Italy & US) Replace dying RPCs with efficient chambers which have been carefully Q/C’d Drift Chamber damage and repair Damaged during support tube extraction Full remediation within shutdown schedule
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review10 B-Factory: Past Year Turn-on November 15. Power spikes in December caused hardware damage and run delays. Running has now stabilized. Recent PEP-II Records Peak luminosity = 5.21 x cm -2 s -1 Int. luminosity per 3 shifts = 347 pb -1 Total Luminosity Delivered: 121 fb -1
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review11 Analysis Improvements Steady improvements Better statistics Better understanding of detector In 2 years, CP measurement has moved from a test of our understanding to defining our understanding Many ever more stringent tests yet to come CP violation in more complex decays Rare B decays Rich source of physics at least until the end of the decade sin2 = (stat) (syst)
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review12 B-Factory: Plans for Future Machine Luminosity Improvements Peak luminosity = 7 x cm -2 s -1 Integrated luminosity = 150/fb Peak luminosity = 2 x cm -2 s -1 Integrated luminosity = 500/fb Working on a path to: Peak luminosity = 4 x cm -2 s -1 Integrated luminosity = 1-2/ab Detector Upgrades Begin replacing of Barrel IFR 2004 Implement New Computing Model 6/
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review13 Delivering on Promises FY02 FY03
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review14 The Competition
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review15 Fixed Target Program
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review16 SLAC 158 UC Berkeley Caltech Jefferson Lab Princeton Saclay SLAC Smith College Syracuse UMass Virginia E158 Collaboration 7 Ph.D. Students Parity-Violating Left-Right Asymmetry In Fixed Target Moller Scattering
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review17 SLAC E158: Past Year Beam Delivery Run 1: 23 April – 27 May 2002 Run 2: 10 October – 13 November 2002 Run 3: 7 July – 31 August 2003 Run I result announced 4/3/03 Parity is violated in Møller scattering Limits on extra Zs at the level of GeV Limit on lepton-flavor violating coupling ~ 0.02 G F Final results in 2004
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review18 E158: Preliminary Results sin 2 eff (Q 2 =0.025 GeV 2 ) = ± ± A PV = 29.0 32.5 ppb
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review19 Future of Fixed Target Program Real Photon Experiments Indefinitely delayed Future Fixed Targe Experiments in the Endstation? Depends on: Physics Case Resources
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review20 Linear Collider Program
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review21 Linear Collider Exploration of the TeV scale will begin, but not end with the CERN LHC World-wide consensus (US, Europe, Asia): A high energy, high luminosity e+e- linear collider is the highest priority new project for the field. LC is the highest priority of the US HEP program wherever it is built in the world. US should bid to host this facility. It will not be built on the SLAC site SLAC has had ongoing program in machine (NLC) R&D We are also working to grow a program of LC detector R&D
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review22 Linear Collider Detector Effort Current focus on: Ongoing simulations Currently looking at SD: Silicon Tracker concept for the LC detector Under study here and elsewhere One of several approaches under consideration by the community Working to build effort at SLAC and provide opportunities for user community to engage
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review23 The SLAC Program X-ray Experiments in FTTB
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review24 Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review25 GLAST: -ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST measures direction, energy and time of celestial gamma rays from 20MeV – 300 GeV Collaboration of Particle Physicists and Astrophysicists from France, Italy, Sweden, Japan and US Collaboration of Space and HEP funding agencies from France, Italy, Japan and US GLAST will survey the entire sky each day Active Galactic Nuclei Endpoints of Stellar Evolution: Black Holes and Neutron Stars Dark matter Gamma Ray Bursts Discovery!
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review26 e+e+ e–e– GLAST/LAT Instrument Si Tracker pitch = 228 µm channels 12 layers × 2.8% X layers × 18% X layers Data acquisition Grid (& Thermal Radiators) Flight Hardware & Spares 16 Tracker Flight Modules + 2 spares 16 Calorimeter Modules + 2 spares 1 Flight Anticoincidence Detector Data Acquisition Electronics + Flight Software 3000 kg, 650 W (allocation) 1.8 m 1.8 m 1.0 m 20 MeV – 300 GeV CsI Calorimeter Hodoscopic array 8.4 X 0 8 × 12 bars 2.0 × 2.7 × 33.6 cm cosmic-ray rejection shower leakage correction ACD Segmented scintillator tiles efficiency minimize self-veto
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review27 GLAST Progress in Past Year: Baseline CD-2/PDR in August 2002 Good Technical Progress in all Sub-systems Project in transition from design to flight hardware fabrication Plans for Next Year: CDR/CD-3 in May 2003 Flight Hardware Fabrication Beginning of I&T at SLAC On schedule for launch: September 2006
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review28 Other Particle Astrophysics Weekly particle astrophysics seminar series Continued analysis of USA data Studies of regions of strong gravity R&D for new initiatives Ongoing projects using archival and guest observer data Experiments in FFTB and ESA FLASH (Next year) Lab Astro 2003 SLAC Summer Institute
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review29 FLASH (E165) Uses the high energy electron beam to make measurements of the fluorescence yield from extensive air showers Goal 10% or better in energy of cosmic ray
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review30 Kavli Institute Institute building on SLAC site Director reports to Stanford Dean of Research Operates as independent research center 9 new faculty Most (if not all) will be joint SLAC/Campus Director and Deputy Director recruited! Roger Blandford (CalTech) Steve Kahn (Columbia) Discussions beginning on the scientific directions that the institute will take It is anticipated the institute will bring in funds from NASA and NSF that will flow through campus in addition to DOE funds that will flow through SLAC
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review31 KIPAC View from the entrance gate View from the central lab
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review32 Advanced Accelerator R&D
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review33 Advanced Accelerator R&D Developing the tools that will define the future of accelerator based science. SLAC has a strong user driven program studying physics of new acceleration mechanisms. Laser-driven acceleration Plasma wake field acceleration Two beam acceleration Emphasis on proof of principle experiments Recent R&D progress in breakout sessions
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review34 Plasmas Have Extraordinary Potential A 100 GeV-on-100 GeV e - e + Collider Based on Plasma Afterburners 3 km Afterburners 30 m
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review35 ORION ORION Facility (to be constructed in part with funds from the ORION Center Proposal) based on the NLCTA - ~65 & 350 MeV e - beams FFTB – 30 GeV e - & e + beams. New potential of e - beams with z < 100 m NLCTA “The initial use of the FFTB and subsequently ORION facilities will allow a range of experiments impossible elsewhere.” FFTB
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review36 R&D for Future Experiments
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review37 EXO: Enriched Xenon Observatory Search for 0 decay in reaction 136 Xe --> 136 Ba ++ e - e + Observation of decay would provide direct evidence on: Lepton number violation Neutrinos are Majorana fermions Set neutrino mass scale EXO technique in R&D phase Will hear about R&D progress and future plans (Rowson) Successful R&D would lead to full scale proposal for EXO facility
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review38 Theory Program
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review39 SLAC Theory Group Primary mission: to advance theoretical high- energy physics, and to train young scientists. In addition, some members interact strongly with the SLAC experimental program Interests of the group span a range of extremely challenging problems Group well integrated with Institute for Theoretical Physics at Stanford University See many opportunities for interaction with KAVLI Institute
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review40 SLAC Long Range Planning Exercise
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review41 Long Range Planning Exercise ‘Scenarios for the Future of SLAC’ Develop models of SLAC as a partner in a future LC under different assumptions What might the ownership pieces of an LC be for SLAC in various scenarios? As we look towards our future, what are the other exciting physics opportunities for SLAC to be engaged in? What is the physics case? Cost and technical difficulty? Consider which activities might be appropriate in on- shore vs off-shore LC scenarios. How do scenarios fit into an overall picture of lab manpower and budget?
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review42 Long Range Planning Exercise Process involves SLAC Staff, Faculty & Users Chairs: Tom Himel & Persis Drell Goal: Report to Director Fall 2003 Subcommittee A Raubenheimer (co-Ch) Paterson (co-Ch) Brau Breidenbach Galayda Wolski Siemann Ross Subcommittee B Dixon (co-Ch) Seeman (co-Ch) Burchat Colby Su Dong Hewett Jacobsen Kahn Neal Schumm
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review43 Summary
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review44 The HEP Program at SLAC is focused on the central issues of the field Pattern of heavy quark decays(B Factory) Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking (Linear Collider) — Physics beyond the SM Precision Electro-Weak(E158) Neutrino mass(EXO) Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Gamma Ray Bursts, Evolution of Early Universe…(KIPAC, GLAST) Advanced Accelerator Techniques(FFTB, ORION) New Theoretical Frontiers
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review45 The SLAC Program X-ray Experiments in FTTB
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review46 Backup Slides
April 9-11, 2003DOE Annual HEP Program Review47 Competition is Fierce! PEP-II Record KEK-B Daily Recorded Luminosity