National Science Foundation NSF Funding Opportunities for Learning and Teaching Elizabeth VanderPutten and Lee Zia National Science Foundation June 9, 2010 NH-EPSCoR
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National Science Foundation Overview NSF Context: VanderPutten RUI/REU, STEP, TUES: Zia MSP, CAREER: VanderPutten Helpful Hints: Zia Q&A
National Science Foundation NSF Funding Sources Cross-Directorate Programs –Research in Undergraduate Institutions –Research Opportunity Awards Directorate for Education and Human Resources Discipline Research Directorates
National Science Foundation NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR): Themes Broadening Participation to Improve Workforce Development Enriching the Education of STEM Teachers Promoting Learning Through Research and Evaluation Furthering Public Understanding of Science and Advancing STEM Literacy Transforming STEM Education through Cyber-enabled Learning Strategies
National Science Foundation NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR): Divisions Division of Research on Learning (DRL) - merger of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE) and Research, Evaluation, and Communication (REC) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) Division Graduate Education (DGE)
National Science Foundation Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI), NSF Goals: Support high quality research involving UGs Strengthen the research environment in UG institutions Promote the integration of research and education Eligibility: 10 or fewer Science and Engineering PhDs/year UG enrollment exceeds graduate enrollment Research in NSF-supported fields Multi-user instrumentation No deadline: contact NSF (see names in announcement)
National Science Foundation Group of ~10 students with group activities Variety of research projects, maybe NSF- funded or maybe not Choice of mentor or project Most students not from host institution 1-2 students Research problems within an NSF-funded project Students usually from host institution Contact NSF program officer first No formal deadline REU SitesREU Supplements Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), NSF
National Science Foundation REU continued Citizens or permanent U.S. residents Stipends and possible assistance with housing and travel Deadlines (sites): First Friday in June (Antarctica) August 25, 2010 and 4 th Friday in August thereafter (non-Antarctica)
National Science Foundation STEP (STEM Talent Expansion Program) Goal: to increase the number of students (U.S. citizens or permanent residents) RECEIVING associate or baccalaureate degrees in established or emerging fields within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Deadline for letters of intent (opt.): August 17, 2010 Deadline for full proposals: September 28, 2010
National Science Foundation STEP: Budget info One proposal per “unit” at an institution About $30 million available in FY2010 Budgetary Limitations –$.5 M for up to 5,000 undergrad students –$ 1 M for 5,000-15,000 undergrad students –$2 M for >15,000 undergrad students –20-25% addition if significant partnership with an associate degree granting inst.
National Science Foundation STEP: Types of efforts Bridge programs that enable additional preparation for students Programs that focus on improving the quality of student learning high-caliber teaching in smaller classes new pedagogical approaches training of teaching assistants (grads & UGs) Programs to encourage undergraduate research Programs that provide financial incentives to students Many others
National Science Foundation TUES: Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM Provide a framework for projects to maximize their effectiveness in improving and transforming undergraduate STEM education Increase the emphasis on projects that build on prior work and contribute to the knowledge base of STEM education research and practice Contribute to building a community of scholars who work in related areas of education Explicitly identify a set of measurable outcomes that will be used in the project management and evaluation
National Science Foundation Research on Teaching and Learning Implementing Innovations New Learning Materials Faculty Expertise Assessing Learning Projects should address a recognized need and undertake exemplary work in at least of the above elements. Projects may take advantage of natural synergies among these elements. TUES Framework
National Science Foundation Type 1 – (05/26-27/2011 and 05/27-28/2012) Exploratory, initial investigation, or adaptation in one of the five elements of the TUES Framework Type 2 – (01/14/2011, 01/13/2012, 01/14/2012) Expansion of smaller scale but proven innovations, refinement and testing on/in diverse users/settings Type 3 – (01/14/2011, 01/13/2012, 01/14/2012) Comprehensive, large-scale efforts to combine proven results and mature innovations from several component areas; emphasis on sustainability, national dissemination, etc. TUES: 3 Types of Projects
National Science Foundation TUES: Additional Emphases Propose materials, processes, or models that have the potential to enhance student learning and to be adapted easily by other sites and Involve a significant effort to facilitate adaptation at other sites.
National Science Foundation TUES: Resource Center(s) A new program component Assume responsibility for leadership and implementation of activities that sustain a community of practice engaged in transforming undergraduate STEM education
National Science Foundation Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program A Research and Development Effort
National Science Foundation MSP: Types of Awards Institute Partnerships: Focus on developing teacher leaders. Targeted Partnerships: Focus on a grade band or content area with broad involvement of teachers, administrators and others in curricula change, professional development and assessment. Start Partnerships: Focus on the data analysis and team building needed to develop a full Partnerships
National Science Foundation MSP: Types of Awards Phase 2 Partnerships: For existing partnerships who want to deepen their research and refine their implementation activities Research, Evaluation and Technical Assistance (RETA): For projects that research and develop tools and models for use by MSP and other similar projects.
National Science Foundation Partnership-driven, with significant engagement of mathematics, science and engineering faculty Teacher quality, quantity and diversity Challenging courses and curricula Evidence-based design and outcomes Institutional change and sustainability
National Science Foundation Partnerships: Universities/colleges and K-12 schools must be included as core partners University must be lead partner Principal Investigators must include STEM faculty K-12 Representatives Education Faculty should be included Can include other organizations
National Science Foundation RFP: NSF Institute, Start, RETA : July 8, 2010 Targeted Partnerships: October 14
National Science Foundation CAREER For Assistant Professors in tenure track positions Five Year grant with minimum award size of $400,000 Proposals include – Research – Education – Integration of Research and Education
National Science Foundation CAREER NSF-wide – 3000 plus proposals – 500 plus awards - reviewed by disciplinary programs Deadlines: NSF – July 20, 2010 BIO, CISE, EHR,OCI – July 21, 2010 ENG – July 22, 2010 GEO, MPS, SBE, OPP
National Science Foundation Other Programs of Interest NSF Scholarships in STEM Noyce Teacher Scholars Advanced Technological Education NSF Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 REESE, DRK-12, ISE
National Science Foundation WAYS TO PARTICIPATE Grant Holder –Principal Investigator –Member of Project Team, or Coalition, or Advisory Board –Test Site User of Products Participant in Workshops and Symposium Reviewer of Proposals
National Science Foundation MyNSF (Custom News Service) – Receive notifications about new content posted on the NSF website – Notification via or RSS