21 September You Are Here! CS410 Initial Proposal 21 September 2009
2 The Problem
21 September Why is this a Problem? Poor impression on campus visitors Lost time in the classroom
21 September Impact on Campus Visitors Road closings Parking changes Foot traffic
21 September Impact on Instruction Time If you are 5 minutes late to class, how much money have you wasted?
21 September Impact on Instruction Time Undergraduate In-state: $1.48 Undergraduate Out-of-State: $4.07 Graduate In-state: $2.10 Graduate Out-of-State: $5.28 What if the instructor is late?
21 September Who is the Customer? Old Dominion University Google, Inc.
21 September Old Dominion University Dedicated to "integrat[ing] and improv[ing] academic and administrative programs and services" and "mak[ing] the University sensitive to the people" (Old Dominion University Strategic Plan, ) Special interest: Disability Services
21 September Google, Inc. Seamless integration Outsourced development
21 September What is the Market? Institutions of Higher Education Google, Inc.
21 September The Competition ODU's current campus mapcampus map Google Maps
21 September The Solution
21 September Hardware/Software Google Maps API MIDAS/LeoOnline Website Mobile Application or Browser Kiosks
21 September Expected Difficulties Imaging Coordinates Time
21 September Solution Impact Pre-planning Cost
21 September Questions