Garlic Armageddon BioSat Lauren Persons, Ryder Whitmire, Lenny Komow, Kirstyn Johnson, Jon Pfohl, Dave Borncamp October 6 th 2009
Mission Overview Mission Statement -Analyze effect of radiation and atmosphere on growth rate of bacteria Mission Objectives -Send bacteria up with Geiger counter, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, heater -Compare bacteria to control ground group (quantitatively and spectrophotometrically) Mission Expectations -Bacterial recovery rates = low compared to control -- Radiation, (heat can be a factor) Implications - Accidentally carrying bacteria into space
Requirements Flow Down 2.1 Level 0 Requirements: 1. Weigh less than 850 grams, budget of $100 - contains Geiger counter, Petri dish and tube (with E. coli bacteria) 2. Measure amounts of radiation in near space, the effects it has on the bacteria - fulfill mission objective of documenting survival rate of bacteria exposed to radiation 2.2 Level 1 Requirements: 1. Geiger counter = counts of radiation as function of altitude 2. Petri dish and tube of e. coli placed in front of glass window and exposed to radiation from atmosphere 3. Temperature sensor measures how much impact temperature has on the e. coli
Design Two plates of bacteria: 1) will be a control 2) will be exposed to radiation of upper atmosphere -The plates test quantifiable data Tubes of bacteria (in broth) - Test spectrophotometrically How it will be recorded - Radiation recorded by Geiger counter every 5 seconds (pressure recorded too) - Will be used to plot radiation as a function of altitude
Parts List Satellite Parts Geiger counterPetri dish AgarNutrient broth Tube + capGlass filter BacteriaBatteries Dry IcePolyolefin film InsulationHOBO Datalogger AVR BoardCamera Heater
Functional Block Diagram Switch 3 Power (Batteries) Camera AVR Controller Heater Petri Temp Sensor 1 Geiger Counter Switch HOBO datalogger Internal Temperature External Temperature Humidity Power
Weight Budget ComponentWeight (g) Geiger Counter102 FoamCore75 Petri Dish25 Pressure tube15.2 Pressure tube teflon cap OR Pressure tube nylon cap* Geiger counter battery40 Structure25 Camera filter30 Total325.4
Costs Material/DeviceCostSource Batteries$20Grocery Store Geiger CounterDonatedImages Co. Polyolefin filmDonatedEuropack Inc. Petri DishesDonatedBiology Dept at CU BacteriaDonatedCarolina Biological Temperature Sensor$5Electronics Center, ITLL AgarDonatedMCDB Dry Ice$20Grocery Store Pressure tubeDonatedAce Glass Inc. Insulation$10Home Depot Camera filterDonatedB&H Photo Video Total65
Schedule DateTasks 9/22/09Conceptual Design Review 9/29/09Prototyping design complete Authority to Proceed and Hardware Ordering 10/1/09Design complete Order or acquire all hardware Completion of Vacuum Test 10/6/09Design Document Revisions A/B Critical Design Review 10/15/09Testing final structure Complete Cold test 10/22/09Completion of Geiger counter/ Radiation Test Completion of Board and Sensors Test 10/27/09Software Test 10/29/09In Class Mission Simulation Test 10/31/09Grow cultures both as control and for flight 11/3/09Design Document Revision C Launch Readiness Review 11/5/09Pre-launch Testing of Bacteria Completed 11/6/09BalloonSat Weigh-in and Turn in 11/7/09Launch Day 11/8/09Post-launch Testing of Bacteria Completed 12/1/09Design Document Revision D Final Presentation 12/5/09Design Expo 12/8/09BalloonSat Hardware Turn In
Proposal Requirements The Geiger counter does not have an output that exceeds five volts The heater and insulation will keep the internal temperature above -10 degrees C The combined components will not exceed 850 grams (if it does exceed, modifications will need to be made) The team will maintain a safe environment, and take precautions to protect the electrical components
Testing Structural Tests: Drop Test, Whip Test, Cold Test – Completed by 10/15/09 Scientific Tests: Pressure and Temperature Testing – Bacterial Response – Geiger Counter – Pressure Tubes – Completed by 10/22/09 Software Testing – Geiger Counter – Camera – Completed by 10/22/09
Expected Results Cell death by radiation – Decreased colony growth Replica Plating – Slower propagation in nutrient broth Spectrophotometric Analysis
Organizational Chart Project Management: Kirstyn Johnson, lead Ryder Whitmire, assistant Systems Management: Ryder Whitmire, lead Jonathan Pfohl, assistant Structures: David Borncamp, lead Leonard Komow, assistant Programming: Leonard Komow, lead Lauren Persons, assistant Electrical: Lauren Persons, lead David Borncamp, assistant Scientific: Jonathan Pfohl, lead Kirstyn Johnson, assistant
Biggest Worries Preventing bacterial death Agar in a vacuum Building the Geiger counter Weight