Ellis Island United States Immigration Station Meghan Mazloom Christopher Columbus Elementary School Utica City School District mmazloom@uticaschools.org
Think about your family Think about your family. Do you know when they came to the United States? How did they get here? Think – Pair - Share.
If one of your relatives came to the United States between 1892-1954 they likely passed through Ellis Island.
Over 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island in 62 years Over 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island in 62 years. During it’s busiest, 5,000-10,000 immigrants passed through Ellis Island a day.
At least 1/3 of American Citizens can trace at least one ancestor to Ellis Island.
Work with your group to come up with a list of countries where immigrants to Ellis Island came from.
Ellis Island Tour http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/tour/stop1.htm
APPA Step 3: Determine Causes Work with your group to complete the APPA worksheet. What caused the United States to channel the majority of immigrants through Ellis Island during the period 1890’s to the 1920’s? APPA Step 3 Worksheet
Homework Imagine you were one of the millions of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island. Write a story depicting your journey. Include the following: Why did you come? How did you get here? Who (if anyone) did you come with? What happened once you arrived at Ellis Island.