Signal Pathways in Eukaryotic Cells Overview
Lipid Soluble Hormones
Nuclear Receptors Nuclear Receptors For Lipid Soluble Hormones Hsp90
Receptors for Extra Cellular Signaling Molecules (Water Soluble or Peptide )
More Trans-Membrane Receptors
Signal Transduction Systems
A Seven-Spanning G-Protein Linked Receptor
Activation of a heterotrimeric G-protein Liganded receptor promotes exchange of GDP for GTP in G alpha G alpha dissociates from G beta gamma (both are activated)
Activation of Effector Protein(s)
Inactivation of G-Protein
G-Proteins Can Activate Genes
Gs Alpha Activates Adenyl Cyclase
Protein Kinase A Phosphorylates CREB
Enzyme Linked Receptors:Tyrosine Kinases * * *
Liganded Tyrosine Kinase Receptors Dimerize and Auto- Phosphorylate
Activated TK Receptors Bind Adapter Proteins Which Regulate GTP Binding Proteins
Kinase Cascades Activate Genes & Regulate Proteins
The Protein Kinases are Evolutionarily Conserved