1 Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham) A personal selection of new results: 1)Higgs & new physics searches at hadron colliders; 2)Flavour physics.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham) A personal selection of new results: 1)Higgs & new physics searches at hadron colliders; 2)Flavour physics at the LHC; 3)Lepton flavour violation: MEG; 4)Neutrino oscillation measurements. Birmingham PP seminar 5 October 2011 Highlights of the EPS 2011 conference (Grenoble, July 2011)

2 Higgs & new physics searches at hadron colliders

3 Tevatron prospects: large improvements in sensitivity; Next spring: results based on the full 10fb –1 sample. ~8fb –1 Tevatron Higgs limits Presented by Eric James

4 SM Higgs at LHC Sensitivities (ATLAS) SM Higgs cross-sections Low mass: H  bb, , . Intermediate mass: H  WW  l l. High mass: H  ZZ  ll, llqq, llll. BR

5 Examples (ATLAS) H  H  ZZ  4l Presented by Dave Charlton

6 ATLAS+CMS combination is complex, and was not presented at EPS ~( ; ) GeV excluded. Limits improved/revised at LP11! ? ? Presented by William Murray The LHC limits: July 2011

7 SM & searhes at the LHC

8 LHCb: B 0  K*  +  –

9 LHCb data taking (by end of July) Luminosity levelling delivers constant operation at L~3x10 32 /cm 2 /s

10 B 0  K *  +  – (FCNC: b  s) BR~10 –6 B-factories hinted a positive A FB for all q 2 …

11 LHCb analysis J/   (2S) K*  K  World’s largest sample

12 Forward-backward asymmetry A textbook confirmation of the SM prediction… …presented by M.Patel (Imperial College)

13 LHC: B s  +  –

14 The “golden mode”: B s  +  –

15 B s  +  – Presented by Guy Wilkinson

16 B s  +  – Presented by Guy Wilkinson

17 LHCb analysis 300 pb –1 Boosted decision tree analysis (similar to PLB 699(2011)330)

18 LHCb preliminary limit 300 pb –1

19 CMS analysis 1.14 fb –1 (both  |  |<1.4) (at least one |  |>1.4)

20 BR(B s  +  – ) combination 95%CL 90%CL 27 July 2011 Presented by Guy Wilkinson

21 Lepton Flavour Violation:  e MEG exp’t

22 The MEG experiment Presented by Toshinori Mori-san World’s most intensive muon PSI; Thin  stopping target (polyethylene); Spectrometer+ LXe calirimeter. Signal:  e  (back-to-back). Background:  e  (the Michel decay). Accidental BKG is dominant.

data analysis Presented by Toshinori Mori-san

24 Likelihood profiles ~10 –13 sensitivity expected with the data set The hint for new physics seen in 2009 data has disappeared Presented by Toshinori Mori-san Updated MEG results

25 Neutrino physics

26 First T2K appearance results Electron neutrino appearance in  beam: P(   e ) = sin 2 (2  13 )sin 2  23 sin 2 (  m 2 atm L/4E) (with 2% of the T2K expected flux) First indication of non-zero  13

27 e MINOS e MINOS Electron neutrino appearance in  beam: P(   e ) = sin 2 (2  13 )sin 2  23 sin 2 (  m 2 atm L/4E)

28 Three-flavour global analysis  3  indication of non-zero  13 ;  T2K to continue data acquisition soon;  New generation of reactor experiments with near&far detectors starting (Daya Bay, Double Chooz, RENO) Presented by S.Schoenert Double Chooz expected sensitivity Reactor e (~1MeV) disappearance experiment Near-detector operational

29 Disappearance: T2K & MINOS Muon neutrino disappearance: P(    ) = 1 – sin 2 (2  13 )sin 2 (  m 2 32 L/4E) (8x10 20 POT) MINOS:

30 Thank you