Power Plants and How they Work
80% of all energy used in the US is formed in this way Energy is used to heat water Steam created by heating the water turns a turbine. Turning of turbine creates electicity.
There are many different ways to heat water to create steam. Power Plants use energy to heat water. Most commonly the power comes from burning coal.
Diagram of a Turbine Steam from heated water turns the blades around a shaft. The turning creates electricity. Most of our energy is created by somehow turning this turbine.
Coal Fired Power Plants Mohave Power, Nevada Craig Power, Colorado Photograph: Tri-State G&T Association
Natural Gas Fired Power Plant Moss Landing, California Operator: Duke Energy Photograph by Declan McCullaghDeclan McCullagh
Solar Power Plant Prescott, AZ Operator: Arizona Public Service Photograph courtesy of Power
Nuclear Power Plant Diablo Canyon, California Operator: PG&E Photo taken by Jim Zimmerlin, PG&E Employee
Wind Power Plants Medicine Bow, WY Operator: Platte River Power Authority Photo: Greg Goebel Spanish Fork Canyon. UT Operator: Wasatch Wind LLC Photo: Suzion