agust,www,....October08/HClPot-RyvsV ppt & agust,heima,...October08/HCl-Potentials ak.pxp & agust,heima,...October08/FCF-FvsV ak.pxp
UVb= *(1-exp( *(rx1a-2.512)))^2 UF= *(1-exp( *(rx1a-1.295)))^2 UVa= *(1-exp( *(rx1a-2.512)))^2 UE= e4*(re )^2 Agust,heima.../REMPI/HCl/HCl,agust07-/HCl-Potentials vhwak.pxp Agust,heima.../REMPI/HCl/HCl,agust07-/HCl-pot xls Agust,
U(F) U(V) V´=3 V´=9 V´=11 V´=0 V´=14 V´=28 agust,heima,...October08/HCl-Potentials ak.pxp
=> According to the experimental Morse potentials above for the F and the V state and assuming the interaction strength (W 12 ) to increase with increasing vibrational wavefunction overlap integrals, W 12 for the interaction, F,v´=0 V,v´ will increase gradually with, say, v´(V) = 8 – 28 ! FCF calculation:
——>Calculation of Franck-Condon factor<—— v(F)FCFv´(V)FC-factor e e e The sum of Franck-Condon factors = V´=16 V´=28 agust,heima,...October08/FCF-FvsV ak.pxp
V´=16 V´=11 V´=9