Section 9: MWF 12:05PM - 12:55PM
Given a description of a real world problem that involves word processing and spreadsheet, students are able to use Word and Excel (07) to successfully solve it. Given a description of a simple problem students are able to create a word document and a powerpoint presentation to successfully solve this problem.. Given a simple database problem, students are able to create a database with tables, query and simple report to successfully solve this problem
Given a description of a real world problem that involves word processing and spreadsheet, students are able to use Word and Excel (07) to successfully solve it. Given a description of a simple problem students are able to create a word document and a powerpoint presentation to successfully solve this problem.. Given a simple database problem, students are able to create a database with tables, query and simple report to successfully solve this problem
Given a description of a real world problem that involves word processing and spreadsheet, students are able to use Word and Excel (07) to successfully solve it. Given a description of a simple problem students are able to create a word document and a powerpoint presentation to successfully solve this problem.. Given a simple database problem, students are able to create a database with tables, query and simple report to successfully solve this problem
Textbook: 1. Robert T. Grauer, Exploring Microsoft Office 2007, Volume 1. Prentice Hall. ISBN: Software: Microsoft Office 2007
Graduated from the University of Connecticut (05 Class), Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science from Hanoi University of Technology (86-91) Master of Computer Science from UW-Milwaukee (96-99)
Research Experience: ◦ User Modeling, Information Retrieval, Decision Theory, Collaborative Filtering, Human Factors Teaching Experience: ◦ 162 Spring 09 ◦ 181 Fall 05, Spring 06, Fall 07, Spring, Fall 08, Spring 09 ◦ 172 Fall 05 -> Spring 07, Fall 09 ◦ 220 Fall 06, Spring 07, Fall 07, Spring 08 ◦ 231 Fall 08 ◦ 322 Spring 07, 381 Fall 06,08, and Spring 08
McGraw 106 Office Hours: 8:45-9:45am, 11-noon MWF, or by appointment
GRADABLEPOINTS Lab160 Projects340 Midterm exam 1150 Midterm exam 2150 Final exam200 Totals1000
12 Home tab Horizontal ruler Vertical ruler Office button Quick access toolbar Title bar Vertical Scroll bar Status bar Zoom slider View buttons Ribbon Group
13 Hard return – user presses enter key Soft return – program wraps text from line to line Soft returns: Notice the position of the soft returns change at the point of the margin change Hard returns: Margin changes do not affect the hard returns
14 AutoText entries that display as ScreenTips, such as the date shown above To insert the ScreenTip, press Enter ScreenTip Requires user action to insert
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 15 Create predefined terms and save them in the Quick Parts library To use, type the first part of the text and press F3 Use Quick Parts to create a Building Block
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 16 Insert date and time and choose the format Click Date & Time to insert the date and/or time Choose Update automatically to have the date and time update every time the file opens Choose a format for the date and/or time
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 17 Print Layout View Full Screen Reading View Web Layout View Master Documents Tools View Draft View Views
18 The Zoom slider quickly makes the document larger or smaller Zoom slider
19 Use the Zoom tool on the View ribbon to change the document’s size on screen Choose the number of pages to view and Word will choose the optimal zoom percentage Open Zoom dialog box
20 Displays when text is selected or right- clicked Contains frequently used formatting commands
21 Save – replaces the existing (original) file Save As – creates a new file, leaving the existing (original) file intact Choose where to save Name the file Choose the file type if necessary Click Save
22 Layout your page to be either Portrait or Landscape Portrait is taller than wider Landscape is wider than tall
Margins are the white space around the top, bottom, left and right hand sides of the document Create Custom Margins… Click the Margins button and display the margins gallery
24 Word inserts a soft page break when text reaches the bottom of the page, continuing text onto the next page Insert a page break to start a new page where a new one should begin Ctrl+Enter This only shows up when show/hide is on
25 Use the page number button to add a page number field to the header or footer Choose placement in the header or the footer Format page numbers to adjust numbering or make other formatting changes
26 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, choose either Header or Footer Headers and footers always exist whether content is in them or not Make different headers and footers throughout the document using section breaks Preset tabs Link to Previous toggle button links or unlinks Section header and footers
27 Similar to page breaks, but sections are separate parts of a document and can make specific changes such as: ◦ Headers and footers ◦ Margins ◦ Page orientation (portrait and landscape) ◦ Page size ◦ Columns
28 Adding a cover page adds a special section to the document Choose the design Modify as needed
Find a part of a document Replace unwanted text with something new in a document Replace All globally replaces unwanted text throughout the document Use Special to find or replace unusual characters or use wildcard options Select Options
30 Questionable Spelling is underlined in red Contextual spelling questions underlined in blue Questionable grammar is underlined in green
31 Checks for and removes different hidden and personal information Use Save As to keep a separate document containing the removed information Office Button
32 To save in an earlier version of Word use Save As and choose the version 2007 saves as.docx, whereas previous versions save as.doc Choose the version
33 Use Print Preview before printing to be sure the document is ready to be printed Select the Office Button, Mouse over the arrow next to Print and choose Print Preview from the list Choose the printer Print only what is needed
34 Click office button and then choose options to get the dialog box