Problem-Based Learning in Peruvian Higher Education: Science and Math Education for Future Public School Teachers PUCP - UD
Dr. George Watson Dr. Deborah Allen University of Delaware Dra. Ana Pastor de Abram Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Washington DC, August 11, 2004
Delaware, USA Dela where?
Perú, South America
Date of foundation : 1917 Departments : 11 Undergraduate majors: 45 Masters programs: 32 Ph. D. programs : 3 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL PERU
University Community Regular students: Undergraduates: Graduates: 808 International students: 179 Professors: Total:2352 Full time: 338 Part time:2014
Science Departments Physics Mathematics Chemistry Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mining Engineering Electronic Engineering Computing Science Architecture Telecommunications
Problems in Math and Science Education in the Public Schools in Perú A)There is an extreme achievement gap between private and public schools in Peru. B)Results of International Standardized Tests (public schools): Last place in Latin America TIMS 1996 PISA 2002
Professional Development of Teachers at Present 1.Pre service teachers do not receive quality math and science courses in the public institutions of education. 2. Science content courses and science pedagogy courses are not well articulated in the pre-service teacher curriculum, so teachers are not well equipped with effective teaching methods.
Hypothesis The incorporation of Problem-Based Learning as a strategy in the professional development of future math and science teachers will help to better articulate math and science content with pedagogy in an efficient way.
What is Problem-Based Learning? PBL prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources. PBL is an learning approach that challenges students to “learn to learn,” working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems.
“The principal idea behind PBL is that the starting point for learning should be a problem, a query, or a puzzle that the learner wishes to solve.” Boud (1985) What is Problem-Based Learning?
What are the Common Features of PBL? Learning is initiated by a problem. Problems are based on complex, real- world situations. All information needed to solve problem is not initially given. Students identify, find, and use appropriate resources. Students work in permanent groups.
PBL: The Process Students are presented with a problem. They organize ideas and previous knowledge. Students pose questions, defining what they know and do not know. Students assign responsibility for questions, discuss resources. Students reconvene, explore newly learned information, refine questions.
Overview Problem, Project, or Assignment Group Discussion Research Group Discussion Preparation of Group “Product” Whole Class Discussion Mini-lecture (as needed) Assessment (when desired) The Problem-Based Learning Cycle
Activities at PUCP during the First Year 1.Training of six PUCP professors at UD Oct Designing the first PBL workshop at PUCP Nov 2002 – Jan PBL workshop in Lima. February Implementation of PBL and Cooperative Learning. From March to July 2003
5. Mentoring of the innovative experiences. From March to July Second PBL workshop in Lima. July Internal evaluation. July 2003 Activities at PUCP during the First Year
1.Implementation of courses in PBL and CL methodologies at PUCP continued during the second semester (July to December, 2003). 2.PBL workshop for professors who teach courses for pre service math and science, public school teachers and professors at other universities. (Feb. 2004) 3.Assessment of the implementation of the innovations in PUCP and these additional institutions from March to July, Activities in PUCP during the Second Year
4.Workshop “Diseño de Problemas, Procesos y Evaluación en el Método ABP” for professors at PUCP. July Collaborative methods in PUCP Are they worth the trouble? 15, 16 July Evaluation of project. September 2004 Activities in PUCP during the Second Year
PUCP Professor Leaders trained in PBL at UD Luis BretelPhilosophy Isabel LandaChemistry Patricia MoralesChemistry Patrizia PereyraPhysics Carlos PizarroPhysics Jorge QuirozPhysics Emilio GonzagaMath Cecilia GaitaMath Wilmer AtocheMath Victoria RamirezEngineering Miguel CatañoEngineering Quino ValverdeEngineering
Workshops ° y 2° : PUCP + others 3° : public institutions 4° : PUCP
Training of 316 Individuals PUCP 2003 Public institutions Foreign guests PUCP 2004
Examples of Courses at PUCP that Incorporate PBL Sciences Math 1, 2 and 3 Physics 1 and 2 Chemistry 1 and 2 Statics Dynamics Technical drawing Engineering Thermodynamics Fluid dynamics Automatic control Hydrology Communication theory Plant Engineering Geology and Mineralogy Lab. Mechanical drawing
Foreign guests: Chile Colombia National guests: School Fé y Alegría Instituto Superior Pegagógico de Monterrico Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Universidada nacional Agraria, La Molina Participants in Training at PUCP: Cuba México
Outside Perú PUCP Professors provided PBL workshops in other countries: Chile (Universidad del Bio Bio, Universidad Católica del Norte, Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile), México (Universidad de Colima) and Colombia (Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Cali). Professors from Chile, Cuba, Colombia and Mexico visited PUCP (in last 2 years), to observe and learn about our PBL experiences.
Translation into Spanish and publication of the “Power of Problem Based Learning” (A book about Delaware experiences) The current preparation of a new book that presents PUCP PBL experiences and researches in several departments (in science and engineering). Additional Results
The continuous increase of number of professors who now are discussing and reflecting about teaching and learning. Two engineering departments (Electronic and Mechanical), are transforming their curriculum into a PBL format (like the “hybrid curriculum” of Queen’s University of Canada), etc. Many private and public institutions (schools and universities) are interested in our PBL experiences and want to participate in PBL training. Additional Results