Sales Tax Rate Changes Utah/Salt Lake/Davis/Weber Counties (UTA) Rate before 4/1/07 Rate as of 4/1/07 Sales of Non-Food Items6.25%6.50% Sales of Non-Prepared Food4.25%4.50% Sales of Prepared Food6.90%7.50% Sales of Hotel Rooms9.25%10.75% Current rates can be found at: For assistance contact Evan Gardiner or John Gardner
Sales Tax Paid Computations General Rule: Make every effort to get detailed receipts showing itemized tax and use that amount.
Sales Tax Paid Computations Examples where no detailed receipts are provided (i.e., credit card slip only, all purchases made 4/1/07 or later): Example 1: Total amount spent: $ (mostly unprepared food). Total amount includes tax (4.50%). Tax = $4.50 ($ times %)
Sales Tax Paid Computations Example 2: Total amount spent: $ (mostly nonfood items). Total amount includes tax (6.50%). Tax = $6.50 ($ times %) Example 3: Total amount spent: $ (prepared food). Total amount includes tax (7.50%) and tip. Tax = $7.50 ($ times %)