Artificial Intelligence What is AI? The study of computations that make it possible to PERCEIVE, REASON, and ACT Computing, perceiving, reasoning, acting
Computing What is computing? Alan Turing and turing machines established the limits of computation Is intelligence achievable within the limits of computation?
Intelligence Perception, reasoning, action Consider Eliza
Intelligence Reasoning: Consider Chess 1996 Kasparov beat Deep Blue 1997 Deep Blue beat Kasparov and retired to computer heaven Is Deep Blue intelligent because it can beat you and me easily and is currently world champion at chess?
Intelligence Perception and Reasoning: Consider football or basketball
Turing Test Alan Turing came up with the turing test If you cannot distinguish a human’s responses from a computer’s, the computer is intelligent
CS 476 / CS 676 Representational issues permeate the course Search – Chess Expert systems – Mycin or Xcon Logic - reasoning Learning ID3, Neural Nets, Genetic algorithms
Syllabus Programming assignments Exams Project Teams Grad projects must involve learning Flexible and customizable Presentations
Fox, Farmer, Goose, Grain A farmer wants to move himself, a hunrgry silver fox, a hungry, fat goose, and a sack of tasty grain across a river. Unfortunately, his boat is so tiny he can move only one of his possessions across on any trip.