Introduction Hanze University Groningen School of Engineering Technology Management International Technology Management Semester in English Student life in Groningen Contents
1 the Netherlands Finland - area: 337,030 sq km - population: 5,183,545 - Finnish people talk Swedisch language - Beer in the pub € 5,00 Netherlands - area: 41,526 sq km - Population: 16,167,754 - Dutch people talk German language - Beer in the pub €2,20
181,000 Inhabitants
With more than 70 study programmes the largest provider of higher education in North Netherlands Diversity: 18 schools = 18 ‘cultures’ = 18x individual and unique atmospheres (your school, your culture, your atmosphere) International orientation with a strong societal position in North Netherlands. The breath of educational provision and the cooperation with the University of Groningen offers students many options. This applies to the initial study choice and to ‘switching’ between studies. Hanze University Groningen
The extensive choice (of e.g. modules/subjects) means you can compile your own personal profile. Intensive and personal guidance in making choices and in monitoring study progress. Distinguish yourself from the rest with a personal professional profile. Each school also has its own ‘profile’. Hanze University Groningen
School of Engineering Over 1,300 students Bachelor Programmes Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Human Technology International Biomedical Engineering International Power Generation and Distribution International Product Design Engineering International Electronic Product Design Engineering Technology Management School of Engineering
Specializations Management & Consultancy Airline Pilot & Management International Technology Management (ITM) Technology Management
International Technology Management Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Theory in Dutch Semester in Dutch Semester in English Semester Abroad Industrial Placement * Theory and Final Project *
First Quarter: International Entrepreneurship I (15 EC) Country Analysis project Sector Analysis and International Economics Financial English and International Organizations Energy Technology Dutch Language & Culture (for Foreigners) Semester in English 1
Second Quarter: International Entrepreneurship II (15 EC) Feasibility Study Business Proposal Management Game Semester in English 2
International Entrepreneurship II Marketing HRM / Culture Finance / Calculations GO NO-GO Marketing HRM / Culture Finance / Calculations Organisational Structures Feasibility StudyBusiness Proposal Methodical Design Management Game
I look forward to welcome you in Groningen