Razvojna Agencija Sinergija Sinergija Development Agency Katja Karba Stanislav Sraka RAZVOJNA AGENCIJA SINERGIJA Moravske Toplice Kranjčeva 3, SI-9226 Moravske Toplice, Slovenia
DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SINERGIJA Promotion of the entrepreneurship and coordination of the economic and spiritual development of countryside Established: February 1998 sub-regional development agency – implementing agency 27 municipalities, inhabitants, SME’s DA Sinergija is non-profit and non-government organization; body governed by public law (according to Directive 2004/18/EC, Art. 1) with legal status of non-profit Ltd owned by founder municipalities & chambers.
Development coalition /partnership “Sinergija” 27 Municipalities JAPTI, Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurshi p and Foreign Investments – (PCMG Employment office, RDA Mura Chambers (commerce, crafts, agriculture) Clusters (Energy cluster, ENIDO group)
THE MAIN ACTIVITIES AND AREAS STRATEGIC PLANNING – STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS & INSTITUTIONAL (preparing the development programs) INTERNATIONAL - CROSSBORDER PROJECTS (Interreg IIIA and Phare CBC projects) COUNTRYSIDE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (Integrated Rural Development and Village Renovation projects) LOCAL TURIST POTENTIALS AND PRODUCTS (developing the rural area through IRDVR and CBC projects) CLUSTERING (developing the local clusters) ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR PUPILS, WOMEN EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMMES /PROJECTS (Employment programmes and Public work programmes – cooperation with the Public employment service Slovenia) DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE (The new economic – rural/business (infra)structure as a stimulator of the economic rural renewal in Pomurje) POMURJE REGION WATER SUPPLY PROJECT NATURAL PARC GORIČKO FOUNDING OF PROJECTS (The subsidization of the general and special consulting of the active and potential entrepreneurs in the frame of VAUCHER CONSULTING SISTEM implementing, the financial incentive for the development of the enterprise)
E-CONTENTS Development Agency Sinergija has participated or is still participating in various interregional co-operation and Structural Funds financed projects, either as a lead partner or as a partner. Some of them, referring to the e-contents are: DA Sinergija is a reference centre for promotion of e-business among SME's in Pomurje Region – since 2002, authorized by Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments – JAPTI (PCMG);
E-CONTENTS "E-entrepreneur" (Phare CBC, lead partner in years ; training responisbles for informatics in SMEs for preparing and introduction of e-business strategy); "Telework" (Phare 2003, partner organization, using the potential of telework for higher employment arete and economic development); "Youth, Entrepreneurship and advanced technology" (Phare CBC 2002, 2003, lead partner), "Computer literacy for adults" (Phare 2005,2006, lead partner); "All life learning centre for Prekmurje" (European Social Found , lead partner) implementation of project "e-PODJETNIK / e- ENTREPRENEUR” ;
E-CONTENTS preparation of strategic plan for establishment of “Goricko & Ravensko pilot e-Region” ; preparation of e-learning courses for SME’s for preparation of e-business strategies for enterprises; computer literacy trainings for unemployed people in Pomurje Region; computer literacy workshops for rural population within all life learning centre for Pomurje Region; provider of e-learning contents within all life learning centre for Pomurje Region; provider of eVEM Point (e One-Stop-Shop Point) for coalition of our 11 founder municipalities; provider of public accessible e-Point for local inhabitants partner by Leonardo da Vinci project “Rural- eGov”;
The EVITA project: our role, interests, expectations Beneficiary = learning partner To organize and implement all activities and tasks foreseen for Slovenia To achieve (at least) all planned objectives i.e. outputs
EVITA project: goals and activities ACTIVITIES: Study Visits for the presentation of the “best policy initiatives” Policy Maker Workshops for the transfer of “best policy initiatives” to local Policy Makers “Best practice policy measures" guide (contribution and proof control reading and distribute locally) Develop the IT Training Strategy Report for the region of Pomurska and distribute it Visit a seminar for the creation of “e-tutors” 2 local dissemination events to promote the project’s results Organize Policy Maker WS for transfer of European best practice Proof reading of the Slovenian e-learning platform version Translate and localize Training content in Slovenian
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