Answer to set 1 Graphical Linear Programming. (1) 4X1 + 3X2 >96 X1X2 096/3=32 96/4=240.


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Presentation transcript:

Answer to set 1 Graphical Linear Programming

(1) 4X1 + 3X2 >96 X1X2 096/3=32 96/4=240

X1 X2 0,32 24,0 (1)

(2) X1 + X2 <50 X1X

X1 X2 0,32 24,0 0,50 50,0 (1) (2)

(3) X1 +3X2 >60 X1X2 060/3=20 600

X1 X2 0,32 24,0 0,50 50,0 (1) (2) 0,20 60,0 (3)

Corner Point: (1),(3) (1) 4X1 + 3X2 = 96 (3) X1 + 3X2 = 60 (1)-(3) 3X1 = 36 X1 = 12 (3) X2 = 60, so X2 = 16

Corner Point: (2),(3) (2) X1 + X2 = 50 (3) X1 + 3X2 = 60 (3)-(2) 2X2= 10 X2 = 5 (2) X1 + 5 = 50 X2 = 45

X1 X2 0,32 24,0 0,50 50,0 (1) (2) 0,20 60,0 (3) Corner points Not feasible Not feasible 12,16 45,5