1Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) OnlineReconstruction and DataQualityCheck Canvas The template for an online analysis tool/’gadget’ A mother class with pure virtual methods Linda knows how to use it without deciphering the C++ TofMonitor Edited by Mark Phase space reconstruction by the TOFs Edited by Mark Some analysis Edited by A.N. Expert … Please add your own OnlineReconstruction.cc (or DataQualityCheck.cc) Edited by Linda - chooses which analysis tools to use: Every event: Datum() Every few events: Plot() Every run end: Write() TofMonitor Edited by Mark Phase space reconstruction by the TOFs Edited by Mark Some analysis Edited by A.N. Expert
2Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) Particle identification Details of the runs considered –
3Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) Q123 scan
4Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) DS scan
5Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) Q456 scan
6Magnet scans (triplet-triplet-triplet optics) Q789 scan