Performance Tools BOF, SC’07 5:30pm – 7pm, Tuesday, A9 Sameer S. Shende Performance Research Laboratory University of Oregon TAU Performance System
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 2 TAU Performance System Acknowledgements Dr. Allen D. Malony, Professor Alan Morris, Senior software engineer Wyatt Spear, Software engineer Scott Biersdorff, Software engineer Matt Sottile, Research faculty Rob Yelle, Research faculty Kevin Huck, Ph.D. student Aroon Nataraj, Ph.D. student Shangkar Myangalam, Ph.D. student Brad Davidson, Systems administrator
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 3 TAU Performance System TAU Parallel Performance System Multi-level performance instrumentation Multi-language automatic source instrumentation Flexible and configurable performance measurement Widely-ported parallel performance profiling system Computer system architectures and operating systems Different programming languages and compilers Support for multiple parallel programming paradigms Multi-threading, message passing, mixed-mode, hybrid
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 4 TAU Performance System What is TAU? Portable, profiling and tracing toolkit BSD style license Automatic source level instrumentation (PDT, Opari [FZJ]) Routine, and loop level Instrumentation optimization (TAU_THROTTLE) Measurement Callpath, phase, parameter based profiling PAPI [UTK] support in profiling and tracing One or more native, preset events Analysis tools Parallel profile analysis (ParaProf) Performance data management (PerfDMF database) Performance data mining (PerfExplorer) Kernel monitoring and KTAU
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 5 TAU Performance System What is new in TAU and PDT? TAU v 2.17 and PDT v 3.12 released at SC’07 [] Support for new platforms IBM BG/P (Linux) SiCortex Cray XT (Compute Node Linux) Windows Cluster 2003 Improved support for VampirTrace [TU Dresden] for atomic events, native OTF generation Automatic wrapper library generation (tau_wrap) for HDF5, I/O… Enhanced Eclipse/PTP plugin for tool interoperability PerfExplorer: Custom charts, multiple database support ParaProf supports multiple profile formats, databases PERIXML, TAU, perfsuite, cube 2 & 3, mpiP, HPMtoolkit, gprof… Support for storing metadata in profiles, TAU portal, PerfDMF PDT now supports type information in PDB files GFortran parser
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 6 TAU Performance System TAU Demos at SC’07 ASC/NNSA Booth #1617, demo station #2 Wednesday (11/14):12-1pm, 3-5pm Thursday (11/15):10-11am Schedule available at SiCortex Booth ANL Booth (KTAU presentation) Thu. 12-1pm Paper: “Ghost in the machine: Observing the Effects of Kernel Operation in Parallel Application Performance” A. Nataraj, A. Morris, A. Malony, M. Sottile, P. Beckman, SC’07 A2/A5 Wed. 10:30am
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 7 TAU Performance System Future Research Directions Improving tool interoperability OTF [TU Dresden] TotalView [Totalview Tech] Scalasca/KOJAK instrumentation [FZJ] Hybrid sampling, instrumentation based measurements PerfSuite [NCSA] Kernel measurements for tracking I/O using KTAU and ZeptoOS [ANL] Binary rewriter integration using DyninstAPI [U. Maryland, U. Wisconsin] Improvements in SiCortex integrated tool environment TAU Portal, regression testing
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 8 TAU Performance System TAU Performance System Architecture
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 9 TAU Performance System TAU Performance System Architecture
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 10 TAU Performance System Program Database Toolkit (PDT) Application / Library C / C++ parser Fortran parser F77/90/95 C / C++ IL analyzer Fortran IL analyzer Program Database Files IL DUCTAPE PDBhtml SILOON CHASM TAU_instr Program documentation Application component glue C++ / F90/95 interoperability Automatic source instrumentation
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 11 TAU Performance System Building Bridges to Other Tools: TAU
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 12 TAU Performance System Using TAU: A brief Introduction To instrument source code using PDT Choose an appropriate TAU stub makefile in /lib: % setenv TAU_MAKEFILE /usr/tau-2.17/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-pgi % setenv TAU_OPTIONS ‘-optVerbose …’ (see And use, or as Fortran, C++ or C compilers: % mpif90 foo.f90 changes to % foo.f90 Execute application and analyze performance data: % pprof (for text based profile display) % paraprof (for GUI)
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 13 TAU Performance System TAU’s ParaProf Profile Browser: Manager Multiple PerfDMF databases Application Metadata
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 14 TAU Performance System TAU’s ParaProf Scalable Profile Browser S3D: 6400 cores on XT3+XT4 System (Jaguar) Gap represents XT3 nodes
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 15 TAU Performance System 6400 cores S3D Scatter Plot: Visualizing Hybrid XT3+XT4 Red nodes are XT4, blue are XT3
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 16 TAU Performance System PerfDMF Architecture K. Huck, A. Malony, R. Bell, A. Morris, “Design and Implementation of a Parallel Performance Data Management Framework,” ICPP 2005.
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 17 TAU Performance System TAU Portal: Launch ParaProf/PerfExplorer
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 18 TAU Performance System PerfExplorer: Regression Testing
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 19 TAU Performance System PerfExplorer: S3D Total Runtime Breakdown MPI_Wait WRITE_ SAVEFILE 12,000 cores!
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 20 TAU Performance System TAU in Eclipse/PTP Environment
SC’07: Performance Tools BOF 21 TAU Performance System Support Acknowledgements US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science MICS, Argonne National Lab ASC/NNSA University of Utah ASC/NNSA Level 1 ASC/NNSA, Lawrence Livermore National Lab US Department of Defense (DoD) NSF HEC-RTF and SDCI Research Centre Juelich TU Dresden Los Alamos National Laboratory ParaTools, Inc. PSC, NCSA, and U. Oregon