Presentation of Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System Brain N. BershadStefan SavagePrzemyslaw Emin Gun Sirer Marc E.FiuczynskiDavid Becker Craig Chambers Susan Eggers By Anandhi Sundaram
SPIN under development at university of Washington Motivation OS has to support Multimedia, Distributed Memory management, hence systems are structured to support application specific extensions. Goals Extensibility : allow for extensions to dynamically specialize OS services by providing fine-grain access to system services through interfaces Safety : isolate critical kernel interfaces from malicious kernel extensions Performance: provide low communication overhead between extension and kernel History & Goals CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
3 Three Way Tension DOS: provides for extensibility at the cost of safety Mach: Provides extensibility at the cost of performance in the form of expensive IPC Micro-kernel needs substantial changes to compensate for limitations in interfaces L3 micro-kernel: IPC is improved by protected procedure call implementation (as in LRPC) with overhead of nearly 100 procedure call times
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 4 Different OS Structures
Techniques Followed to Achieve Goals Performance: o Co-location - kernel and dynamically linked extension share same virtual address space o Enables communication between system and extension code to be cost of procedure call Safety: o Language support - restrictions are enforced using the type-safe properties of Modula-3, the programming language in which SPIN and its extensions are written o Dynamic linking - extensions exist within logical protection domains. In-kernel dynamic linker enables cross-domain communication at overhead of procedure call Extensibility: o Provide fine-grain interfaces to core system services. o Dynamic call binding – provide relationship between system components and extensions at runtime CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 5
8 Implementing Safety Previous Approaches: Hardware Protection through Address Spaces, Coarse-grained and expensive Software-based Fault Isolation (“Efficient Software-based Fault Isolation” paper) SPIN relies on Language-level Support Modula-3 Properties Type Safety Automatic Storage Management Support for Interfaces
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 9 Safety : Language Support Type safety Prevents access to memory arbitrarily, compile-time check enforces pointer may reference only to objects of its referent’s type Array bound violation checks enforced by combination of compile-time, run-time checks Automatic storage management
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 10 Safety : Language Support Interfaces Hide Resources Modula-3 Modules are composed of Interface (public part), implementation or module (private part) Interface: Gives only the types and procedure Interfaces Module: Procedure definitions and private declaration hidden from clients INTERFACE ; {Imports} {Declarations} END. MODULE [ EXPORTS { ","... } ]; {Imports} {Declarations} BEGIN (* Optional Module startup code; BEGIN required *) END.
Safety : Interfaces INTERFACE Console; TYPE T <: REFANY (* T is a pointer and only Console.T is visible *) CONST InterfaceName = “ConsoleService” (* A Global Name *) PROCEDURE open() :T; (* open returns a capability for the console *) PROCEDURE write(t :T;msg: TEXT); PROCEDURE Read(t: VAR, msg:TEXT); PROCEDURE Close(t :T); END Console; MODULE Gatekeeper; (* A client *) IMPORT Console; VAR c: Console.T; (* A capability for *) (* the console device *) PROCEDURE IntruderAlert() = BEGIN c := Console.Open(); Console.Write(c, "Intruder Alert"); Console.Close(c); END IntruderAlert; BEGIN END Gatekeeper; ; MODULE Console; (* An implementation module. *) (* The implementation of Console.T *) TYPE Buf = ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR; REVEAL T = BRANDED REF RECORD (* T is a pointer *) inputQ: Buf; (* to a record *) outputQ: Buf; (* device specific info *) END; (* Implementations of interface functions *) (* have direct access to the revealed type. *) PROCEDURE Open():T =... END Console CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 11
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 12 Capabilities Capabilities are like ‘key’ provided to Extensions to access resources through Interface provided by Kernel. Capabilities are implemented using Pointers declared within Interface, Supported by Modula-3 language. A Pointer can be passed from the kernel to a user- level application as an externalized reference. An Externalized reference is an INDEX into a per- application table in the kernel, that contains type safe references to in-kernel data structures.
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 13 Protection Domains Logical protection domains within a single address space In terms of dynamic linking, all domains are created at runtime, by operating on accessible interfaces, or by manipulating existing domains Create, CreatefromModule,resolve, combine. SpinPublic, SpinPrivate A module that exports an interface explicitly creates a domain for its interface, and exports the domain through an in-kernel Nameserver
Combined Domains SpinPublic, SpinPrivate
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 15
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 16 Extensibility SPIN uses Events and Handlers to integrate Extensions with the kernel Event is procedure exported from an interface Handler is procedure of same type as event Extensions explicitly register handlers with Events through a Central dispatcher Central dispatcher routes events to handlers In case of multiple handlers, one final result is passed back to the event raiser
17 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems Handler restrictions enforced by the primary module – implementation module that statically exports the event – other modules interact with the primary module can deny/accept the handler can associate guards for executing the handler Dispatcher Scalability
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 18 Core Services – Memory Management Three basic fine-grain services provided by SPIN o Physical address service : controls the use and allocation of physical pages. o Virtual address service o Translation service o Can be used by extensions/ applications to define services like demand-paging, copy-on-write, distributed shared memory, concurrent garbage collection o Implementation: extension that implements UNIX address space semantics for applications.
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 19 Core Services – Thread Management User-level threads require knowledge of kernel events Scheduler Activations have high communication overhead due to kernel crossings SPIN: An application can provide its own thread package and scheduler that executes within the kernel
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 20 Core Services - Thread Management SPIN defines structure for Implementation of thread model Strands similar to user-level threads, have no kernel context Scheduler multiplexes resources among Strands An Application Specific thread package defines an implementation of the strand Interface for its own threads The Interface : Two events Block, Unblock – raised by kernel to signal changes in strand’s execution state to application-specific Scheduler. Allows implementation of new scheduling policies Scheduler communicates with Thread Package using Checkpoint and Resume
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 21 Core Services - Thread Management The responsibility for scheduling and synchronization within the kernel belongs to the kernel for safety reasons Global scheduler implements a round-robin, preemptive, priority policy Some Implementations using Strand Interface: o DEC OSF/1 kernel threads o C-Threads o Modula-3 Threads SPIN’s core services are trusted services – The interfaces are designed to ensure that, an extension’s failure to use an interface correctly is isolated to the extension itself
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 22 System Performance Microbenchmarks to reveal overhead of basic system functions, such as protected procedure call, thread management, and virtual memory were run on DEC OSF/1, Mach and SPIN Overhead of in-kernel protected communication can be order of procedure call in SPIN Inference: SPIN allows use of traditional communication mechanisms having comparable performance to other systems SPIN’s extensible thread implementation does not incur a performance penalty when compared to non- extensible systems, even when integrated with kernel services.
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 23 Applications using SPIN Implementation of Network Protocol Stacks for Ethernet and ATM networks using SPIN’s extension architecture Networked Video System consisting of Server and Client Viewer exploits SPIN’s extension architecture End-to-End application performance can benefit from SPIN’s architecture Conclusion : It is possible to combine extensibility, safety and performance in a single system
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 24 References Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System, Brian Bershad, Stefan Savage, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Emin Gun Sirer, David Becker, Marc Fiuczynski, Craig Chambers, Susan Eggers, in "Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP-15)", Copper Mountain, CO. pp A design, implementation and performance paper. Abstract, Paper (postscript), Slides (postscript). Brian BershadStefan SavagePrzemyslaw PardyakEmin Gun SirerDavid BeckerMarc FiuczynskiCraig ChambersSusan Eggers AbstractPaper (postscript)Slides (postscript) Language Support for Extensible Operating Systems, Wilson Hsieh, Marc Fiuczynski, Charles Garrett, Stefan Savage, David Becker, Brian Bershad, Appeared in the Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software, February We've been pretty happy with M3, but we've had to deal with a few shortcomings in order to use the language in a safe extensible operating system. This paper describes how we've addressed those shortcomings. Abstract, Paper (postscript), Slides (postscript). Wilson HsiehMarc FiuczynskiStefan SavageDavid Becker Brian Bershad AbstractPaper (postscript)Slides (postscript)
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 25 References Safe Dynamic Linking in an Extensible Operating System, Emin Gun Sirer, Marc Fiuczynski, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Brian Bershad, Appeared in the Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software, February Describes the dynamic linker we use to load code into the kernel. Key point is the ability to create and manage linkable namespaces that describe interfaces and collections of interfaces. Paper (postscript), Slides (postscript). Emin Gun SirerMarc FiuczynskiPrzemyslaw PardyakBrian Bershad Paper (postscript)Slides (postscript)