COMMUNICATION PROCESS the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another Why? 81% of the manager’s day Up to 14% of a typical workday is wasted because of poor communication. Survey of 200 Fortune 500 top executives: Biggest reason managers fail is poor interpersonal and communication skills
COMMUNICATION PROCESS Transfer of information and understanding Person A Encodes Information Person B Senses Decodes Information
COMMUNICATION PROCESS Transferring and understanding of meaning Person A Encodes Information Person B Senses Decodes Information Medium
/Electronic Media Tradeoffs Bottom Line? – –
COMMUNICATION PROCESS Transferring and understanding of meaning Person A Encodes Information Person B Senses Decodes Information Medium Noise
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Physical Barriers Semantics/Jargon Jargon: Terminology specific to a particular profession/group Personal Barriers ego, credibility, skill Emotions
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Filtering Frame of reference Beliefs, values and expectations influence how we interpret meaning Poor listening Cultural and gender differences
Cross Gender Communication Women say 22-25,000 words a day Men? Direct vs. Indirect communication Status/independence vs. connection/intimacy Consider greeting styles Apologies, Praise
Cross Cultural Communication Language Physical Space Greeting Eye contact Time Leisurely vs. impatient Task vs. Relationship Monochronic vs. Polychronic (also a gender a differences) Direct/Indirect High Context
OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS Encourage feedback Simplify Language Genderflex Avoid physical and psychological interference Use face-to-face communication Listen Actively Ask yourself: What do I look like? Sound like? Say? How well do I listen?
ACTIVE LISTENING IS... ...The MOST effective way to overcome the barriers to effective communication. ...NOT hearing. ...ESSENTIAL to managerial success. 40% of workday Survey of 300 personnel directors: Most important skill in becoming an effective manager ...a skill we typically do not perform well.
ACTIVE LISTENING Make eye contact Empathy Suspend judgment Ask questions Paraphrase Listen for themes/ideas Resist distractions Listen to what’s not said