April 2009
SEMPERIT AT GLANCE Worldwide leading manufacturer of rubber products with four divisions Synergies in: Production R&D Purchasing Sales Top market positions in all divisions
INTERNATIONALISATION CORPORATE STRATEGY FOCUS To concentrate on four core business areas and be a dominant player in each sector INTERNATIONALISATION To consistently internationalize operations by setting up new production sites and developing new markets. COST LEADERSHIP To pursue rigorous cost management combined with major increases in productivity.
THE DIVISIONS Revenue 2008 in % of the Group 242.8 EUR m 37.0% SEMPERMED SEMPERFLEX SEMPERFORM SEMPERTRANS Revenue 2008 in % of the Group 242.8 EUR m 37.0% 166.0 EUR m 25.3% 119.0 EUR m 18.2% 127.5 EUR m 19.5% Employees 3,970 1,529 731 809 Products Surgical gloves, examination gloves, industrial gloves Hydraulic hoses, industrial hoses, rubber sheeting Handrails, Railroad, Sheave liners, moulded parts, profiles, sponge rubber Rubber conveyor belts with textile and steel-cable reinforcement
DIVISION SEMPERMED SURGICAL GLOVES: 20-25% market share in Europe (market leader) worldwide market share: > 10% EXAMINATION GLOVES: 15% market share in Europe, 12-14% in USA and 10-15% worldwide PRODUCTION SITES: Austria, Thailand, China, Hungary TARGET INDUSTRIES: Medical supply, food processing, lab & chemical industry COMPETITORS: Ansell, Cardinal Health, Kimberly-Clark Safeskin
DIVISION SEMPERMED Revenue 1997 - 2008 EUR million 242.8 219.1 209.9 186.4 180.8 179.1 177.4 155.3 135.8 130.1 111.7 85.0
DIVISION SEMPERFLEX HYDRAULIC HOSES: Approx. 15% market share in Europe INDUSTRIAL HOSES: Top 3-5 in Europe with approx. 10% market share RUBBER SHEETING: Most important markets are Germany, France, UK, Austria PRODUCTION SITES: Austria, Czech Republic, Thailand, Italy, China TARGET INDUSTRIES: Machinery/construction equipment, mining, industrial applications COMPETITORS: ITR Parker, Gates, Manuli, Alfagomma, Rapisarda, Aeroquip, Trelleborg, Hutchinson
DIVISION SEMPERFLEX Revenue 1997 - 2008 EUR million 166.0 161.7 145.7 139.1 123.7 114.2 108.3 93.7 87.3 81.3 58.4 52.5
DIVISION SEMPERFORM PROFILES: Semperit is a prominent supplier of rubber profiles and seals for doors, windows and building construction in Europe MOULDED PARTS: Products range from automotive and industrial moulded parts to sanitary and pipe fittings HANDRAILS: Approx. 30% market share worldwide SHEAVE LINERS: Approx. 60% market share worldwide SKIS FOILES: Approx. 90% market share worldwide PRODUCTION SITES: Austria, Germany, Hungary, China, Thailand, USA TARGET INDUSTRIES: Construction, public transport, equipment and machinery manufacturers COMPETITORS: EHC, Trelleborg, Continental/Phoenix, Hutchinson
DIVISION SEMPERFORM Revenue 1997 - 2008 EUR million 119.0 111.4 108.6 94.9 90.6 85.5 76.4 79.4 81.2 72.5 66.5 64.0 45,8
DIVISION SEMPERTRANS CONVEYOR BELTS: Market share of approx. 20% in Europe with conveyor belts enforced with textiles or steel ropes; Export worldwide PRODUCTION SITES: France, Poland, India TARGET INDUSTRIES: Mining, material handling COMPETITORS: Fenner, Continental/Phoenix, Goodyear, Bridgestone
DIVISION SEMPERTRANS Revenue 1997 - 2008 EUR million 127.5 115.6 109.2 94.5 84.3 85.4 80.4 80.8 64.5 47.7 46.0 46.0
CONTINUALLY REVENUE GROWTH EUR million 655.3 607.8 574.1 515.0 463.5 477.4 451.2 409.1 363.9 329.9 284.4 247.5
REVENUE BY REGION Asia and the rest of the world 12.3% America 19.2% EU excl. Austria 55.0% 409.1 Rest of Europe 8.2% Austria 5.3%
EARNINGS BEFORE TAX Earnings before tax 1997 - 2008 EUR million 59.6 58.1 EUR million 53.6 54.3 52.0 44.3 41.6 38.3 36.9 32.7 29.4 19.9
THE SEMPERIT WORKFORCE 7,118 7,064 Total on average 6,689 6,185 5,886 5,691 5,710 In Austria 5,283 5,284 5,065 4,950 5,073
FOCUS PRODUCTIVITY Decline in personnel costs as a % of revenue 27.4 26.6 25.2 22.8 22.3 21.4 21.1 19.8 18.1 16.8 16.7 16.5
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 2008 Consolidated revenue increased by 8% to EUR 655 m Further growth in all divisions Sempermed +10.8 % Semperflex +2.6 % Semperform +6.8 % Sempertrans +10.2 % Wave of price increases for raw materials burdens earnings Acquisition of a Brazilian sales and distribution company for medical gloves Austria: expansion of production capacity for surgical gloves by more than 20% India: capacity almost doubled for conveyor belts
KEY FIGURES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Revenue in EUR million 363.9 409.1 451.2 463.5 477.4 515.0 574.1 607.8 655.3 EBT in EUR million 36.9 38.3 41.6 44.3 52.0 53.6 54.3 59.6 58.1 Net profit after minorities in EUR million 21.9 22.3 23.9 26.9 30.8 36.7 40.0 44.6 37.6 Earnings/share in EUR 1.07 1.10 1.18 1.32 1.51 1.79 1.95 2.17 1.83 Investments in EUR million 27.2 38.2 26.1 15.2 25.0 38.8 50.8 27.6 Employees on average 5,073 5,284 5,691 5,886 5,710 6,185 6,689 7,118 7,064
OUTLOOK 2009 International economic development will influence company’s development – decline in demand is expected to continue Expanding sales in the Sempermed division despite the gloomy business environment Decrease in raw material prices should relieve tight material cost situation Because of a decline in raw material prices selling prices will be put under pressure
SHAREHOLDER STRUCUTRE B&C Privatstiftung > 50% Free float < 50%
FINANCIAL CALENDER Annual General Meeting April 30, 2009 Ex-dividend day May 6, 2009 Dividend payment May 11, 2009 1st quarter report 2009 May 15, 2009 1st half-year report 2009 August 14, 2009 3rd quarter report 2009 November 20, 2009
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