Overview What is LifeStyleNetworker? What is LifeStyleNetworker? Our Target Group Our Target Group The Game The Game The three Phases The three Phases Example: The Newbie Phase Example: The Newbie Phase Gameworld Gameworld
What is LifeStyleNetworker? A Massively Multiplayer Internet Marketing Management Game! A Massively Multiplayer Internet Marketing Management Game! Helps people build their eCommerce website by Helps people build their eCommerce website by Providing the necessary tools in a step-by-step fashion Providing the necessary tools in a step-by-step fashion Creating business opportunities through cooperation Creating business opportunities through cooperation Offering a safe, and pleasant learning environment Offering a safe, and pleasant learning environment What type of game? What type of game? Ports of Call meets World of Warcraft meets Real Life. Ports of Call meets World of Warcraft meets Real Life.
Our Target Group ‘Ordinary’ people who want to sell their products online, and have fun while doing so! ‘Ordinary’ people who want to sell their products online, and have fun while doing so! Little to no prior experience in online marketing and sales. Little to no prior experience in online marketing and sales. Limited budget Limited budget Unique products or services Unique products or services No generic affiliate sites No generic affiliate sites
The Game The central element: Projects The central element: Projects ‘Quests’ which the player must complete ‘Quests’ which the player must complete Projects provide new tools and measure the player’s ability to use it. Projects provide new tools and measure the player’s ability to use it. Bridging learning and ‘character progression’ Bridging learning and ‘character progression’ Tools are provided when they are needed Tools are provided when they are needed In order to reach next tool, a player must first understand and use the previous In order to reach next tool, a player must first understand and use the previous Overview of tools: Overview of tools: In-game In-game Content Management Tools Content Management Tools Cooperation Tools Cooperation Tools Costumer Relations Tools Costumer Relations Tools Community Community Syndicate/Guild Tools Syndicate/Guild Tools
The three Phases The Newbie Phase The Newbie Phase Lead by the hand Lead by the hand Getting acquainted with the tools Getting acquainted with the tools 'Single Player' 'Single Player' The Intermediate Phase The Intermediate Phase Independence through knowledge of the tools. Independence through knowledge of the tools. Getting acquainted with the community Getting acquainted with the community Small scale 'Multi Player' Small scale 'Multi Player' The Expert Phase The Expert Phase Projects -> Challenges Projects -> Challenges Interdependent through syndicates Interdependent through syndicates Setting your own goals Setting your own goals Large scale 'Multi Player' Large scale 'Multi Player' Creating content Creating content
Getting Started - the newbie phase Start Intro Projects Portfolio TOS Friends list Website setup Domain name FTPCMS Merchant account Add products Submit website for review Manage reviews Generate unique hits Setup a RSS newsletter Generate new players Link friends Review websites Review newsletters Form/Join a Syndicate Community Access Level 2 Community Access Level 3 Community Access Level 4 Community Access Level 1 Community Access Level 5 Profile
Game World Inspiration from existing worlds Inspiration from existing worlds WoW, Second Life, Friendster, Ryze, LinkedIn WoW, Second Life, Friendster, Ryze, LinkedIn Technology Technology Php, html, sql, flash Php, html, sql, flash Design ideas/thoughts Design ideas/thoughts Color, setting, etc Color, setting, etc What sort of experience do we want to give the players? What sort of experience do we want to give the players? Professional, pleasant, quality Professional, pleasant, quality