山本 均 Hitoshi Yamamoto 東北大学 Tohoku University 北京、十一月二十三日、二 00 六年 Beijing, Nov 24, 2006 WWS Report MDI Report.


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Presentation transcript:

山本 均 Hitoshi Yamamoto 東北大学 Tohoku University 北京、十一月二十三日、二 00 六年 Beijing, Nov 24, 2006 WWS Report MDI Report

2 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 WWS Charge ■ Recognize and coordinate studies on whole detector concepts, and work toward interregional detector TDRs. ■ Interface with GDE, especially on MDI issues. ■ Keep a register of R&D relevant to LC experimental programs, identify those that are vital or missing, and ensure peer review of R&D proposals. ■ Organize interregional meetings and workshops. ■ Report to ILCSC and ICFA on the matters above. Worldwide Study on Physics and Detectors for LC (

3 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 WWS co-chairs organization committee SiDLDCGLD MDIR&D DCR..... panels detector concept groups accelerator GDE J. Brau F. Richard H. Yamamoto..... MDI : machine detector interface DCR: detector concept report Cost Worldwide Study on Physics and Detectors for LC

4 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 SiD 5 Tesla Silicon tracker W-Si ECAL LDC 4 Tesla TPC W-Si ECAL GLD 3 Tesla TPC W-Scint ECAL 3 'Major' Detector Concepts

5 H. Yamamoto, Beijing th Detector Concept Dual-readout electro-magnetic calorimeter (scintillation+Cerenkov) Triple-readout hadron calorimeter (scintillation+Cerenkov+neutron) Double solenoid : No return yoke

6 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 R&D Panel ■ Reviews ILC detector R&D status worldwide ■ Members C. Damerell (chair) + 8 others ■ R&D Panel Report Report-final.pdf Urgent needs require $32M and 1870 man-years over next 3-5 years Established support over 3-5 years $15M and 1160 man-years Helpful in efforts to increase funding for detector R&D in Japan and US

7 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 ILC detector R&D funds (next ~4years) R&D Panel Report (Salary not included) Worldwide Study R&D panel report, 2006/1 As of Jan 2006

8 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 ILC detector R&D funds (next ~4years) R&D Panel Report Worldwide Study R&D panel report, 2006/1 As of May 2006 (Salary not included)

9 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 Detector R&D Review Meetings ■ Purpose Improved communication leading to enhanced R&D programmes ■ Format 1 day open + 1 day closed + 1 day reporting ■ Associated with each ILC workshop Beijing (Feb 07) : Tracking DESY (LCWS Jun 07) : Calorimetry Fermilab (Oct 07) : Vertexing Asia (spring 08) : all else (PID, DAQ, Muon, etc.) ■ Review committee Members R&D panel + external experts

10 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 DCR Panel ■ Edits Detector Concept Report (DCR) Physics Editors: K. Moenig, A. Djouadi, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Okada, M. Oreglia, J. Lykken Concepts (based on Detector Outline Documents (DODs)) Editors: J. Jaros, A. Miyamoto, T. Behnke Required R&D Editor: C. Damerell (R&D panel chair) Costs Editor: COST panel “typical” detector ■ DCR to be released with RDR (Beijing)

11 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 DODs (Detector Outline Documents) ■ Something like LOI (Letter of Intent): Physics performance, detector design concept, R&D status. ~100 pages each. Prepared for Bangalore LCWS, Feb 06: GLD LDC SiD 4 th

12 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 MDI Panel ■ Members: Chair: H. Yamamoto LEP panel (Luminosity, Energy, Polarization) Wolfgang Lohmann, Tsunehiko Omori, Eric Torrence GDE Philip Bambade, Witold Kozanecki, Tom Markiewicz, Andei Seryi Detector concepts Phil Burrows, Karsten Buesser, Toshiaki Tauchi (+...) ■ Charge: Maintain oversight of IR/MDI issues that are relevant both to accelerator and detectors and report to WWS and GDE Area Group. Organize joint MDI sessions.

13 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 MDI Panel : Crossing Angle ■ 14 mrad + 14 mrad crossing CCR (change control request) Advised WWS and CCB (change control board) Machine (cost etc.) and detector (SUSY search) issues Conclusion: 'With this limited information, the MDI panel thinks that the 14mrad is acceptable as the baseline at this time. However, we would like to stress that the 2mrad crossing angle is clearly desirable than larger crossing angles for the slepton search, and R&Ds related to 2mrad should be encouraged.' ■ CCR has been accepted as the baseline.

14 H. Yamamoto, Beijing mrad + 14 mrad ■ 2 14-mrad crossing IRs in a single hall beam dumps detectors ~25m main linac 1 hall contains two IRs

15 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 ILC configuration (500 GeV CM ) top view side view e- linac e+ linac e+ source Not to scale e- injection e+ injection e+ dumping ring e- dumping ring Current baseline ( ) 2 IRs with 14 mrad crossing angle same z location Angle of two linacs = 14 mrad

16 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 MDI Panel: Detector Assembly ■ Detector assembled mostly on surface, 'CMS' style Time saving of 2~3 years Needed for the commissioning at t0 + 7yrs. Supported by MDI panel. CCR accepted as baseline.

17 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 MDI Panel: Muon Spoiler ■ CCR proposes to reduce the thickness to 18m+9m to 5m (muon background will go up) Supported by MDI panel provided that the space for the original spoilers are kept. CCR accepted as baseline.

18 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 MDI Panel : CERN visit ■ CERN LHC-ILC engineering forum (Oct 12, ) Learn about surface assembly, push-pull possibility etc. Extremely important experiences Service cavern, air pads, safety issues etc.

19 H. Yamamoto, Beijing IR with 2 detectors (push-pull) ? ■ Can save one entire beamline - a large cost saving But will it work? Historical/political issues, detector design, accelerator design, integration/engineering design. ■ Feasibitliy study under way Push-pull task force (members: detector + accelerator) A report at GDE/ECFA meeting at Valencia + discussion session. A possible way of switching 2 detectors by A. Seryi

20 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 GDE Timeline ■ Valencia GDE/ECFA meeting Final cost/design → design is frozen ■ SLAC internal cost review ■ ILC MAC(machine advisory committee) RDR (reference design report) is presented after final correction/documentation ■ Beijing GDE/ACFA meeting Release the final RDR ■ 2010 EDR (engineering document)

21 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 Major Change Controls ■ Class-2 (major significance) change control requests so far: Crossing angles: 20mrad + 2mrad → 14mrad + 14mrad accepted Positron dumping ring: 2 rings → 1 ring accepted Dumping rings: end of linacs → center accepted Cryomodule configuration, lInac length under review ■ Push-pull (clearly class-2) and many others not submitted yet ■ Need to freeze the design → Interim Working Assumption (IWA) : inlcudes push-pull in it.

22 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 Reducing #bunch by 1/2 ■ Reduce #number bunch by 1/2 Reduce luminosity by 1/2 Cost saving of 2~3% Upgrade to the original #bunch possible Time line? Low-P parameter set could recover the luminosity Beam background? MDI panel advised WWS WWS sent a set of questions to GDE ■ GDE dropped the proposal out of the interim working assumptions (IWA).

23 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 ILC Parameters ■ 1st phase Energy 200→500 GeV 500 fb -1 in first 4 years of physics run Polarized e- (>80%) ■ 2nd phase Energy upgrade to ~1TeV 1000 fb -1 in 3-4 years ■ Options  e   e  e   Giga-Z, WW, polarized e+ ■ Will release 2nd report soon ( ) Parameter committee (charged by ILCSC, chair: Rolf Heuer) 1st report:

24 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 Detector Roadmap proposed by WWS ■ end 2007~ beginning 2008 Conceptual Design Report of potential detectors (~4?) ■ 2008 International Detector Advisory Group (appoined by ILCSC, recognized by ICFA) reviews CDR and guides toward 2 detectors (not a selection of two out of ~4, rather, merging of 4) ■ 2009~2011 Detector EDRs developed. To be discussed within the community

25 H. Yamamoto, Beijing 2006 Detector timeline by WWS ( ) Acc.Baseline Configuration Document Detector R&D report (2006.2) Detector Outline Document (one for each detector concept) (2007.2) Acc. RDR (Reference Design Report) DCR (Detector Concept Report : one document) LC site selection Acc. EDR ~2010 ~Site selection + 1yr Collaborations form Detector EDR (Engineering Design Report) Accelerator Detector


SiD LDC GLD 4 th