Mission-Based Management June 2007 Electronic CV System Users Group
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Presentation Types Keynote/Plenary Lecture Main presenter at a conference or symposium Meeting Presentations No published abstracts or posters Podium time only Peer-Reviewed Presentations Presentation on a selected peer-reviewed paper Presentation, Invited/Visiting Professor A special invitation to present on an area of expertise
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Award vs. Grant Awards Award: Can be a Scholarly Achievement Can be a Recognition, e.g., Voted Best Doctor in America Grant Award: Faculty Member Applies for the Award Sponsored Project (Grant or Contract) Research Funding from a Sponsor (NIH) Role Could Be: Co-Investigator, Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Publications: Hand Entered vs. Download Hand Entered: Displays in blue Can be any of the publication types: abstract, book, book chapter, case report… Allows for entry of “pending publications” Downloaded: Displays in green, yellow or pink PubMed and SportDiscus searches based on last name, first and middle initial Only downloads publications in journals (journal articles, reviews, case reports, letters, or editorials)
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Courses vs. Courses Taught Courses: Automatic feed from main campus for primary instructor only Includes individual lectures from SOM Dean’s Office system for 1 st & 2 nd year medical students Can choose whether to display on CV Example ANAT 6245(1): Neurophysiology Lab(2) ; 10 student(s) 2007 PHYSL 6070: Physiology Neural Control(3.30) Courses Taught: Free text area to add team teaching, guest lecturer, any courses where not designated as primary instructor or additional details
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Continuing Education Presentation Continuing Education Presentation External Audience Educating Peers, not Trainees Continuing Education credit earned through the course Other Continuing Education Categories CE Courses Developed CE Attendee: Does not show on the CV, but is a good way to keep track of CE credits Courses Taught Internal Audience, Educating Trainees
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Professional Organizations vs. Service Professional Organization Membership Memberships only, no Services Provided TIP: Think about Dues Paid for memberships (not a requirement) Professional Organization Membership Positions: Member, Fellow, Student Member, Diplomate Service Services or Volunteer work Provided to the Organization, Institution, or Company Time Given Service Positions: Committee Member, President, Co-Chair, Board Member, Volunteer, Chair, ……..
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Career vs. Administrative Duties vs. Service Highlighted experience with significant administrative responsibility which could also be reflected within Career or Service Items listed may change over time as faculty career progresses Administrative Duties is a category for Medicine and Nursing, not Pharmacy and Health Examples
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Career vs. Administration vs. Service Administrative Duties Career Service Usually formal position or employment Includes a significant time commitment Can be internal or external Positions held that involve significant administrative responsibilities Highlights only Can be internal or external Activity may also be listed in career or service Lesser (partial) time commitment Typically for a specified amount of time Can be internal or external
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Poster Presentation vs. Meeting Presentation vs. Abstract Remember to list in only one category No “CV padding” You can reference other categories within the entry - e.g., Within presentation, note that it was also a poster Which category is most significant for your discipline? Remember where to find each category Abstract Poster Conference Proceeding Presentation How the three categories inter-relate
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Abstract—Poster—Presentation Flow Abstract Meeting Poster Oral Presentation Conference Proceedings and/or Publication Grant and/or
6/26/ University of Utah Health Sciences Center Upcoming CV Users Group Meetings DateTime December 14, 20063:00– 4:00 January 11, 20072:00 - 3:00 February 8, 20072:00 - 3:00 March 8, 20072:00 - 3:00 April 12, 20072:00 - 3:00 May 10, 20072:00 - 3:00 June 14, 20072:00 - 3:00 July 12, 20072:00 - 3:00 August 9, 20072:00 - 3:00 September 13, 20072:00 - 3:00 October 11, 20072:00 - 3:00 November 8, 20072:00 - 3:00 December 13, 20072:00 - 3:00 All Sessions will be in the Hospital Administration Large Conference Room