Emotions In The Life of The Christian
Emotions Defined: “ A departure from the normal calm state of an organism of such nature as to include strong feeling; any one of the states designated as fear, anger, disgust, grief, joy, etc." (also love, hate, etc.)
Religious Emotion: “the result of anything that you deeply believe, love and/or fear” HOW IS EMOTION PRODUCED?
Religious Emotion: “the result of anything that you deeply believe, love and/or fear” HOW IS EMOTION PRODUCED?
JESUS Emotion in the characters of the NT Sympathy – John 11:35; Matt. 23:37 Gentleness – John 4:9-35 Anger – John 2:16 Compassion – Matt.20:34 Love – John 15:13 Tenderness – Matt. 19:14; John 19:26,27 In His Teachings – ex. The Parables Death on the cross – Rom. 5:8; Eph. 5:25
THE APOSTLE PAUL Emotion in the characters of the NT At Ephesus – Acts 20:18-31 Letter to Corinth – 2 Corinthians 2:4 At Athens – Acts 17:16 Letter to Timothy – 2 Timothy 1:3-8; 4:2-8 Letter to the Philippians – Phil. 4:14,18
Emotion in the characters of the NT Andrew - John 1:41 Nathanael - John 1:49 Simeon - Luke 2:29,30 Peter - Luke 5:8; 22:62 John – John 13:23 Thomas - John 20:28
WE NEED: More deep, abiding love for our brethren. More tear stained cheeks over our sins. More sympathy for the lonely and distressed. More gratitude for Christ's supreme sacrifice. More hatred toward sin and false doctrine. More fear of hell. More longing for heaven.
THREE WARNINGS: 1.While emotion has a place in the life of a Christian, emotionalism does not.
Emotion vs. Emotionalism Emotion is genuine Emotionalism is affected, even artificially created
Emotion vs. Emotionalism Emotion is self-sufficient. Emotionalism relies on others.
Emotion vs. Emotionalism Emotion is means to an end, producing fruit. Emotionalism is an end in itself.
THREE WARNINGS: 1. While emotion has a place in the life of a Christian, emotionalism does not. 2. While emotion has a place in our lives, it must be tempered with self-control.
THREE WARNINGS: 1.While emotion has a place in the life of a Christian, emotionalism does not. 2. While emotion has a place in our lives, it must be tempered with self-control. 3.While emotion is good; it must not become the primary basis of conviction.
Let us appreciate the proper place of emotions in the life of the Christian