Mix Master Electrical Discussion Alex Rust & Nate Lamie
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Background Consumers enjoy elaborately mixed beverages but do not have a simple way of getting them.
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Problem Statement Create a mixing machine that automatically combines different fluids to make desirable beverages.
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Solution Use a micro-controller to control bottles with solenoid valves and hoses in order to create mixed beverages.
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie What does it look like?
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie System Overview HC11 Key Pad Display Valve Controller Table with bottles and valves Funnel Glass Power Supply Sensor
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Electrical Overview HC11 Sensor Solenoid Valves Power Supply Power IC System Keypad Interface +5 V +12 V
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie New Keypad
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Serial Power IC
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Block Diagram
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Parallel Power IC
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Optical Sensor
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Tests New keypad requiring less ports Serial and parallel power IC’s operation Current tests for power IC’s Power consumption of system Dual supply or voltage regulator
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Risks Serial IC current ratings Limited output ports
03/5/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Schedule