NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project  and e - e - options working group report Jeff Gronberg/LLNL For the  and e - e - working groups ALCPG Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project  and e - e - options working group report Jeff Gronberg/LLNL For the  and e - e - working groups ALCPG Workshop Cornell July 12-16, 2003 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.

NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project Warm and Cold  technology Photon collider technologies for both warm and cold accelerators are under development –Warm technology based on MERCURY laser is being developed at LLNL –Cold technology using recirculating cavity being designed at DESY / MBI –Both are funding limited Looking for R&D issues common to both for work before the technology decision –Optics damage from high power lasers and radiation –Effect of beam disruption from Compton on the beam-beam feedback

NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project Current status of   H IWSLC Jeju panel determined that  is an important capability to retain for the LC –Higgs SM light Higgs  bb, W+W- and  done SUSY Heavy H 0, A   bb done –CP determination of Higgs with linear polarization Exploring technical options to improve CP measurement with linear polarized beam Extending analyses to Higgs  ZZ, Z  –Pandora-pythia with H  ZZ and Z  cross sections –Including   , ZZ, Z  backgrounds in pandora Two-photon background rate determined to be 1.8 / crossing in NLC500G –We will examine the effect on jet recon as a function of integrated crossings –Feedback / study from detector groups about how few crossing we can integrate

NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project Physics studies of new models Impact of MSSM on the SM light Higgs Analysis –The ratio of MSSM / SM of  (  h) x BR(h  bb) still yields a good measurement over most of M A, tan(  ) space. NMSSM with extra CP+ and CP- Higgs –Light h  aa  bbbb checked, where LHC sees a hint,  can make a mass measurement. Complex MSSM model – h  aa  bbbb will be applied to this model as well Littlest Higgs hep/ph –Partial widths of loop decays  (h  gg) versus  (h  ) probe the model parameters. Greatest sensitivity with  data. Radion-Higgs Mixing hep/ph –Will be observable at  –Combining information with LHC probes anomalous couplings in this model.