10,ooo thousand homes have been destroyed. 100,000 home’s need repaired. 163 people have died in the Christchurch earthquake. There's about 200 hundred people injured. 2700 jobs have been lost in the 6.3 magnitude earthquake. A 30 million tonne block of ice has fallen off a New Zealand glacier just a few minutes after the 6.3 earthquake up in Christchurch. Some important facts...
What people can do to help… We can text 4419 to donate $3 to the Red Cross earthquake appeal Giving them homes to live in for a while Send food, water and other essential supplies Help to clean up the tonnes of mud and sewerage that is all over the streets and property
What St Andrews can do to help… Make students welcome at our school We can have a fundraiser so that we can send money to help Christchurch people On Thursday bring a gold coin donation and dress as your favourite book character Bring money along for the sausage sizzle – YUMMY!!! Tell your family to come along!!!