2/19 WP6 Presentation Pythagoras Karampiperis, WP6 Leader Demetrios Sampson, CERTH CB Representative Antonis Kokkonos, CERTH WP6 Team Member Advanced e-Services for the Knowledge Society Research Unit (ASK), Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
3/19 WP6 Meeting Schedule DurationDescriptionPresenter 8:45-9:10Introduction to WP6CERTH 9:10-9:55Comments/State by each partner on 1. Partners’ Expertise 2. Partners’ WP6 Tasks WP6 partners 9:55-10:00Conclusions of WP6 meeting CERTH
4/19 The need for a new generation of Learning Services Current Knowledge-based Society demands a new model for learning: –No longer tied to school and/or university context –More Integrated into work and other life contexts –Combining formal and informal learning activities New learning principles have brought: –fundamental changes in the way learning and teaching are conceived not addressed adequately in eLearning so far Current learning technologies: –Do not address sufficiently the requirements for Lifelong learning (common Competence Models, Assessment Models etc) [TenCompetence DoW pp.10]
5/19 The TenCompetence Approach Support –Individuals –groups –organizations In –Lifelong competence development By –Pedagogical Models –Organizational Processes –Technological infrastructure Using –Open-source, standards-based technology [TenCompetence DoW pp. 5, 10]
6/19 Relation between Core Functional Services WP 8 WP 7 WP 6 WP 5 refer to use populated with
7/19 Decisions in each Layer Suggest appropriate Network Select suitable Programme Select suitable Unit of Learning (Scenario) Select appropriate Resources
8/19 Action Cycle for Lifelong Competence Development Runtime Network Competence Programme Units of Learning Knowledge Resources suitability estimation suitability estimation suitability estimation Competence Records Competence Development Plan compared with Desirable Competences define suitability estimation performance assessment Learning Activities compared with
9/19 Links Between Existing Specifications IMS RCDEO IMS QTI IMS-LIP IEEE LOM Suitability Estimation of: 1. Units of Learning 2. Knowledge Resources This specification DOES NOT support the description of the Working Flow of an Assessment Process There is NO FORMAL Link between Learning content/activities with competency information. IMS LD This specification supports ONLY the qualitative (text-based) description of a SKILL and NOT the proficiency level of a skill complex competences definition desirable competencies definition performance assessment performance assessment
10/19 Open Questions for Models supporting Lifelong Competency Development Q1: How to model a competence ? –Generation of reusable competence definitions Q2: How to record the existence of a competence? –Generation of reusable learner or group of learner records Q3: How to measure learner’s or group of learners competence level? –Competence Assessment Model Q4: How to estimate the suitability of Programmes/UoLs/ Resources in respect to a specific competency for a specific learner or group of learners? –Learning Path Description Specification with link to Competences –Unit of Learning / Knowledge Resource Description Specification with link to Competences
11/19 Open Questions & Work Packages QuestionProblemRelated WP Q1 Generation of reusable competence definitions WP8 Q2 Generation of reusable learner or group of learner records reflecting competences WP7, WP8 Q3 Competence Assessment Model WP6 Q4 Learning Path Description Specification with link to Competences WP7 Q4 Unit of Learning / Knowledge Resource Description Specification with link to Competences WP5, WP6
12/19 WP6 relation with other WPs WP6 based on populated with delivered through using addressing needs of Scenarios Tools Specifications WP2: Use Cases WP5: Knowledge Resources WP3: Communication and Collaboration Services WP4: TenCompetence Pilots WP7: Competence Development Programmes using for connection with
13/19 WP6 Internal Structure designed with played in use T1: Units of Learning T2: Authoring ToolsT2: Runtime Engines T3: Assessment Model T4: Services Connection Protocol T5: Usability Test validated through validated through T6: UoL Quality Rating assessed through use connected with
14/19 WP6 18M Effort Distribution (MMs) Task OUNLCMGUPFiLabsCERTHL3SUBUVASUSURF Total T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Total
15/19 WP6 18M Effort Distribution (MMs) Proposed Task Allocation Task OUNLCMGUPFiLabsCERTHL3SUBUVASUSURF Total T1246 T T T T52147 T61247 Total
16/19 WP6 18M Proposed Task Plan TaskPartners DescriptionStarting Point T1: UoL OUNL, UPFSpecify Templates of pedagogical models to be used in authoring environments WP2 Use Cases T2: Tools OUNL, UPF, CERTH, UB Customization of existing tools to support the TenCompetence SOA Reload, ASK-LDT, CooperCore, UPF-QTI T3: Assessment Model OUNL, Giunti, CERTH, UB, UVA, SU Generation of a model to support new forms of Assessment Assessment Model (OUNL, CITO) T4: Connection Protocol OUNL, CMG, Giunti, CERTH, UB, SURF Generation of a communication model between LD runtime engines and collaboration & communication services CooperCore T5: Usability Test CMG, Giunti, SU Usability testing of WP6 Tools (T2)WP6 Authoring and Runtime Tools T6: Quality Rating OUNL, CERTH, L3S Models and methods for quality rating of Learning Activities WP7 Learning Path Description Specification
17/19 WP6 1 st Year Targeted Success Criteria 1 st Y Required Assessment Protocol (TAP) points = 3.75 CategoryOutputTargeted AmountTAP points Scientific Output Book Chapters-- Conference Papers 11 Technology Output Software Source Code -- Software Documentation -- Specification 1 (Assessment Model) 3
18/19 WP6 18M Open Issues Units of Learning (Scenarios) –Bridge with WP2 Use Cases –Bridge with WP5 Knowledge Resources Connection Protocol –Bridge with WP3 Services –Bridge with WP5 Tools UoL Quality Rating –Bridge with WP7 Competence Development Programmes
19/19 WP6 Action Plan until Jan. Meeting Each partner approve: –distribution of effort across WP6 tasks Each partner prepare: –description of 18m work for each task –a short presentation on WP6 involvement OUNL: –Prepare a briefing document on the Assessment Model (open problems and/or problems occurred) UPF (as WP4 Leaders): –Prepare a briefing document for discussion on the Units of Learning (Scenarios) requirements for the TenCompetence pilots CERTH: –Prepare an analytic task plan and timetable for 1 st Year WP6 activities with issues to be investigated, analyzed and solved