Structure of Ada Programs Building a program from components Programming Languages Spring 2004
Structure of a Program A program is a collection of separately compiled units A program is a collection of separately compiled units One unit is a distinguished main procedure One unit is a distinguished main procedure The units must be bound together to form an executable program The units must be bound together to form an executable program The binder checks for type consistency and elaboration order consistency. The binder checks for type consistency and elaboration order consistency.
Units 1 (Subprograms) A unit can be a stand alone function or procedure. A unit can be a stand alone function or procedure. Such a unit may or may not have a separate spec (which is a separate unit) Such a unit may or may not have a separate spec (which is a separate unit) Generally good to have this separate spec since it means recompiling body does not require clients to be recompiled Generally good to have this separate spec since it means recompiling body does not require clients to be recompiled
Units 2 (Package Specs) A library package is a collection of declarations of types, (global) variables, and subprogram specs. A library package is a collection of declarations of types, (global) variables, and subprogram specs. Package x is declarations end x; Package x is declarations end x; If any subprogram specs present, then there must be a corresponding body If any subprogram specs present, then there must be a corresponding body
Units 3 (Package bodies) A package body contains the bodies of all subprograms whose spec is in the package spec. A package body contains the bodies of all subprograms whose spec is in the package spec. It can also contain local subprograms (with or without separate specs) that can only be called within the body. It can also contain local subprograms (with or without separate specs) that can only be called within the body. It can also have local types, variables etc It can also have local types, variables etc A package body variable is the equivalent of a static variable in a C function. A package body variable is the equivalent of a static variable in a C function.
Private Sections in Packages A package can have a private part A package can have a private part package Stuff is public declarations … private package Stuff is public declarations … private private declarations end Stuff private declarations end Stuff
Private Part Must contain full declarations of any private types e.g. type Name is private then in private part type Name is new String (1.. 20); Must contain full declarations of any private types e.g. type Name is private then in private part type Name is new String (1.. 20);
Private Parts (continued) Must contain declarations of any deferred constants type Set is private; Empty_Set : constant Set; private type Set is array (integer range<>) of Integer; Empty_Set : constant Set := (1.. 0 => 0); Must contain declarations of any deferred constants type Set is private; Empty_Set : constant Set; private type Set is array (integer range<>) of Integer; Empty_Set : constant Set := (1.. 0 => 0);
Private Parts Can contain any other declarations (types, variables, subprograms). Can contain any other declarations (types, variables, subprograms). These declarations can be referenced in the body (but they could be in the body anyway in that case) These declarations can be referenced in the body (but they could be in the body anyway in that case) But can also be referenced in child packages. But can also be referenced in child packages.
Child Packages Can be used to extend a package in a hierarchical manner package Calendar is …. package Calendar.Alarms is … declarations extending Calendar end Calendar.Alarms; Can be used to extend a package in a hierarchical manner package Calendar is …. package Calendar.Alarms is … declarations extending Calendar end Calendar.Alarms;
Child Packages The child can see all declarations of the parent (without a WITH clause, since it is really part of the parent). The child can see all declarations of the parent (without a WITH clause, since it is really part of the parent). The private part and the body of the child can see the private part (but not the body) of the parent. The private part and the body of the child can see the private part (but not the body) of the parent.
Clients of Child Packages A client can see just the parent’s declarations: with Calendar; package Client is … A client can see just the parent’s declarations: with Calendar; package Client is … Or it can see any or all of its children with Calendar; with Calendar.Alarms; package Client is … Or it can see any or all of its children with Calendar; with Calendar.Alarms; package Client is …
Private Packages A private child package private package Calendar.Internal is … A private child package private package Calendar.Internal is … Can only be with’ed by other children of Calendar. It allows separation of functions into a separate package without exporting the outside the hierarchy. Can only be with’ed by other children of Calendar. It allows separation of functions into a separate package without exporting the outside the hierarchy.
Bottom Up Program Structure From primitives, build larger abstractions, in the form of reusable packages. From primitives, build larger abstractions, in the form of reusable packages. These reusable packages can be used to build higher level abstractions. These reusable packages can be used to build higher level abstractions. Eventually the level of abstraction (and power) is sufficient to allow the program to be written as a single main program that makes appropriate calls. Eventually the level of abstraction (and power) is sufficient to allow the program to be written as a single main program that makes appropriate calls.
Top Down Structure We write the entire program, but leave sections for which we fill in the detail later. We write the entire program, but leave sections for which we fill in the detail later. Then we write these sections, if necessary leaving sections of them in turn to be filled in later. Then we write these sections, if necessary leaving sections of them in turn to be filled in later. We continue until we can write the sections directly in terms of available primitives. We continue until we can write the sections directly in terms of available primitives.
Subprogram Subunits procedure Main is Data : array …. procedure Input; procedure Calc; procedure Output; procedure Input is separate; procedure Calc is separate; procedure Output is separate; begin Input; Calc; Output; end; procedure Main is Data : array …. procedure Input; procedure Calc; procedure Output; procedure Input is separate; procedure Calc is separate; procedure Output is separate; begin Input; Calc; Output; end;
Filling in the Details Now we provide separate subunits separate (Main) procedure Calc is … end; Now we provide separate subunits separate (Main) procedure Calc is … end; Note that procedure Calc has full visibility of its environment (e.g. can access Data, or call Output or Input). Note that procedure Calc has full visibility of its environment (e.g. can access Data, or call Output or Input).
Package Subunits package body Sets is type Set_Implementation is …. … package Set_Utilities is procedure Q; … end Utilities; package body Set_Utilities is separate; end Client; package body Sets is type Set_Implementation is …. … package Set_Utilities is procedure Q; … end Utilities; package body Set_Utilities is separate; end Client;
Filling in the details The package body subunit is a separately compiled unit: separate (Sets) package body Set_Utilities is procedure Q is … end Q; … end Set_Utilities; The package body subunit is a separately compiled unit: separate (Sets) package body Set_Utilities is procedure Q is … end Q; … end Set_Utilities; Again, the subunit inherits its context (and can for example reference type Set_Implementation; Again, the subunit inherits its context (and can for example reference type Set_Implementation;
Generic Units A library unit can be a generic unit A library unit can be a generic unit Generic subprograms Generic subprograms Generic packages Generic packages Generic children of generic packages Generic children of generic packages Can instantiate at library level to make a usable unit, e.g. with Text_IO; package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer); Can instantiate at library level to make a usable unit, e.g. with Text_IO; package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer); Or can instantiate within another unit Or can instantiate within another unit
Main Program Typically a parameterless procedure Typically a parameterless procedure Can be a child procedure of a package Can be a child procedure of a package Can also be a function (input arguments might be argv/argc style command parameters, result might be return code) Can also be a function (input arguments might be argv/argc style command parameters, result might be return code) Binder is told main program, and creates the transitive closure of all units with’ed verifying consistency. Binder is told main program, and creates the transitive closure of all units with’ed verifying consistency.
Distributed Programs Another step (Annex E of reference manual). Another step (Annex E of reference manual). A program is a collection of partitions A program is a collection of partitions Each partition is essentially what we have called a program so far Each partition is essentially what we have called a program so far Partitions can communicate with remote procedure calls Partitions can communicate with remote procedure calls Consistency is checked Consistency is checked
Building an abstraction (card games) package Cards is type Rank is range (‘2’, ‘3’,’4’… Jack, Queen, King, Ace); type Suit is (Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds, Spades); package Cards is type Rank is range (‘2’, ‘3’,’4’… Jack, Queen, King, Ace); type Suit is (Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds, Spades); type Card is record R : Rank; S : Suit; end record; type Card is record R : Rank; S : Suit; end record; -- We decided to make card a non-private type so -- that we have aggregate notation as in: Face_Card : Card := (King, Spades); If we made it private then we would have to write Face_Card : Card := Make_Card (King, Spades); -- We decided to make card a non-private type so -- that we have aggregate notation as in: Face_Card : Card := (King, Spades); If we made it private then we would have to write Face_Card : Card := Make_Card (King, Spades);
Building an abstraction (card games) We decide to make Dec private type Deck is private; We decide to make Dec private type Deck is private; Subprograms operating on Decks: function Empty_Deck return Deck; function Full_Deck return Deck; procedure Shuffle (D : in out Deck); procedure Put (C : Card; D : in out Deck); procedure Remove (C : Card; D : in out Deck); Subprograms operating on Decks: function Empty_Deck return Deck; function Full_Deck return Deck; procedure Shuffle (D : in out Deck); procedure Put (C : Card; D : in out Deck); procedure Remove (C : Card; D : in out Deck); An exception raised if card to be removed is not in deck Not_There : exception; end Cards; An exception raised if card to be removed is not in deck Not_There : exception; end Cards;
A child Package for Display package Cards.Graphics is type Size is (Small, Medium, Large); type Location is record X, Y : Float range ; end record; procedure Display_Face_Up (C : Card; P : Position; S : Size := Medium); … end Cards.Graphics; package Cards.Graphics is type Size is (Small, Medium, Large); type Location is record X, Y : Float range ; end record; procedure Display_Face_Up (C : Card; P : Position; S : Size := Medium); … end Cards.Graphics;
Playing Klondike with Cards; with Cards.Graphics; package Klondike is type Column is range 1.. 7; procedure Deal_Tableau; function Top_Card return Card; procedure Flip; procedure Place (C : Card; Col : Column); procedure Move_Col (From, To : Column); Illegal_Move exception; Win, Lose : exception; … end Klondike; with Cards; with Cards.Graphics; package Klondike is type Column is range 1.. 7; procedure Deal_Tableau; function Top_Card return Card; procedure Flip; procedure Place (C : Card; Col : Column); procedure Move_Col (From, To : Column); Illegal_Move exception; Win, Lose : exception; … end Klondike;
A main program with Klondike; with Cards; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; procedure Main is procedure Play; procedure Play is separate; begin Klondike.Deal_Tableau; Play; exception when Win => Put_Line (“won!!!”); when Loose => Put_Line (“lost!”); end Main; with Klondike; with Cards; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; procedure Main is procedure Play; procedure Play is separate; begin Klondike.Deal_Tableau; Play; exception when Win => Put_Line (“won!!!”); when Loose => Put_Line (“lost!”); end Main;
The actual playing algorithm The actual playing algorithm is a subprogram subunit: separate (Main) procedure Play is … end; The actual playing algorithm is a subprogram subunit: separate (Main) procedure Play is … end; Note that this Play routine has full access to the facilities of Klondike and Cards Note that this Play routine has full access to the facilities of Klondike and Cards