M AGNETOSPHERE -I ONOSPHERE C OUPLING M ORE I S D IFFERENT William Lotko, Dartmouth College System perspective qualitative differences Life cycle of an ionospheric O + plasma element Creation & Evolution Transport & Fate Impacts Reconciling models with measurements
Foster et al. ‘ UT 20 Nov º Lat
1820 UT 20 Nov 2003 Foster et al. ‘05 30º Lat
1945 UT Foster et al. ‘05 30º Lat 20 Nov 2003 POLAR WIND CUSP BPS Downward J ||
Zheng et al. ‘05 30º Lat CUSP Midlatitude plume + Electron precipitation + Alfvénic Poynting flux O + outflow cf. Strangeway et al. ‘05
1945 UT Foster et al. ‘05 30º Lat 20 Nov 2003 BPS
Auroral BPS Patch/Plume Dynamics Convects across CRB Upward V i const before, during, after The enhancement produces massive upflux as it drifts through the Boundary Plasma Sheet region. Semeter et al. ‘03
Keiling et al. ‘03 Polar satellite data Alfvénic Poynting Fluxes Auroral BPS Statistical Distributions
Intense Alfvén waves Superthermal electrons Ion heating Massive outflows How is the Alfvénic power converted to ion heat? ICRH BBELF coherent energization stochastic energization What regulates the outflow mass flux? Chaston et al. ‘03 Auroral BPS
Paschmann et al. ‘03 Auroral BPS Outflow in other auroral-zone regions
1945 UT Foster et al. ‘05 30º Lat 20 Nov 2003 Downward J ||
Lynch et al. ‘02 Downward Currents BBELF turbulence Superthermal electrons Filamentary J || Ion heating Downward E || “pressure cooker” Large outflows, but limited by downward E ||
Active Ionization and Depletion Evans et al. ‘77
Auroral Electrodynamics Opgenoorth et al. ‘02
-5 A/m s 93 s 62 s 31 s t = 0 s E NS 637 mV/m equator ionosphere 8.25 L = A/m 2 Conditions Low-conductivity E region Large-scale downward J || Large-scale intense E Strong gradient in P Effects Reduced Joule dissipation Filamentary J || 1-10 km scale turbulence Enhanced outflow Superthermal, bidirectional e J || Alfvén Wave Intensification Feedback Instability in the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator Streltsov and Lotko ‘04
Cavity formation on bottomside is more efficient than at F-region peak Bottomside gradient steepens Doe et al. ‘95 Simulated Time Variation of N e Profile in Downward Current Region
Kistler et al. ‘05 FATE Plasmasheet Normally H + dominant O + -rich during storms ─ O + injections from Cusp fountain Nightside BPS Stormtime substorms H + is swept away Leaving O + dominant pressure and density Earthward injected O + dominates ring current
Ring Current & Plasma Sheet Composition Nose et al. ‘05 FATE
Simulated O + /H + Outflow into Magnetosphere Winglee et al. ‘02 IMPACT
10 s 1 min 1-10 s < 10 km Cavity Formation Feedback Instability Bottomside Depletion Patch Dynamics Ion Outflow ~ 10 min IAR Modes