Literacy Through Theatre A Practical Guide
Amy Murphy, E Goals of Teaching Literacy through Theatre Increase Vocabulary Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Reading Comprehension Active Listening Socialization Motor Skills Focus Empathetic Connection with Characters Affective learning
Amy Murphy, E In considering all that students can learn as they are taught literacy through drama, there are many different components for teachers to explore. Here we will look at three components. 1. Readers Theatre – in which you can take a story and rewrite it in the form of a script to be performed. 2. Policy and Advocacy for the Arts in Education – organizations such as National Endowment for the Arts and the Department of Education provide standards and funding for arts programs. 3. Integrating theatre into a curriculum such as history. For example, a one-man show based on the true story of a former slave and the underground railroad.
Amy Murphy, E Readers Theatre A Russian Fairy Tale is Re-Written into a Script
Amy Murphy, E In this readers theatre exercise, a multicultural understanding is created in the classroom. Students develop a deeper understanding of the circumstances of the story through performance. Students utilize critical thinking skills while considering the differences between the story and play version of the text.
Amy Murphy, E Advocacy and Policy Groups such as National Endowment for the Arts are providing more opportunities for students to be exposed to the arts. Boards of Education across the country are beginning to recognize the benefits of utilizing the arts to teach students who otherwise may have their intelligences overlooked (multiple intelligences: kinesthetic, etc.). School administrations have acknowledged greater student attendance when arts programs have been employed at their schools.
Amy Murphy, E Integrating Theatre into Curriculum - History -
Amy Murphy, E Underground Railroad Students will act out the role of Harriet Tubman. Students will have a better understanding of the historical events surrounding the underground railroad. Students will have a personal understanding of history and its effects on the individual.
Amy Murphy, E Conclusions Theatre is an excellent resource for teachers. It provides an exciting new entrance into traditional curricula by engaging students a kinesthetic, creative and nontraditional way. Students enjoy participating in theatrically inspired teaching activities. Teachers will be very pleased with the results.
Amy Murphy, E Web Resources