WELCOME to HCOM-100 Intro to Human Communication Studies
ADDS & DROPS “Adding” Procedure: This class is full. “Adding” Procedure: This class is full. – “Open” sections: use Titan Telephone System during first two weeks of school use Titan Telephone System during first two weeks of school – “Closed/full” sections: need the “PERMISSION TO ADD” form need the “PERMISSION TO ADD” form “Dropping” Procedure: “Dropping” Procedure: – YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! I might drop you, but don’t count on it. – Formally drop through Titan Registration
COMMUNICATING WITH ME How to communicate with me: How to communicate with me: – Department: Human Communication Studies Human Communication Studies – Phone: – – Office: CP-420-__ Office Hours: _______ Office Hours: _______
Let’s go over the Syllabus GE Requirement: Core Competency of Category I.A Oral Communication GE Requirement: Core Competency of Category I.A Oral Communication Seven goals for student learning in the oral category Seven goals for student learning in the oral category Other objectives specific to this course Other objectives specific to this course
Required Text Get the textbook: Beebe, S.A., Beebe, J.J. & Ivy, D.K. (2004). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime (2 nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. Get the textbook: Beebe, S.A., Beebe, J.J. & Ivy, D.K. (2004). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime (2 nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. BOOKS MUST BE BROUGHT TO EVERY CLASS!
WRITING REQUIREMENT S Reaction Paper = 15pts Dyad Paper = 10pts Presentation Outline Final Draft = 25pts
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Oral presentations Written Papers Group Discussions Practice applications of concepts Exams
CLASS PARTICIPATION Come to every class Be on time Don’t interrupt each other
ONLINE QUIZZES Find them on the Blackboard Course Website Do them BEFORE we are scheduled to talk about that chapter in class. The quiz will expire one hour before class! Online quizzes are very helpful for preparing for the exams
More on the REACTION PAPER Analyze what you’ve learned Integrate concepts Illustrate your growing communication competency 2-3 pages; double-spaced; proper grammar !!! LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED !!!
EVIDENCE HUNT The truth is out there! Evidence CAN be found! APA style citation verbalized in presentation is REQUIRED! You will NEED this info to complete your Outline Rough Draft!
PRESENTATION OUTLINE ROUGH DRAFT May not sound important, because of the words “rough draft” – but look at the points (25) Topic must be approved by instructor Can turn in the handwritten filled-in form because CONTENT is the focus of this assignment Rough draft must incorporate the information gathered in your “Scavenger Hunt for Evidence” assignment
15pts DYAD PAPER Help you prepare for public presentation Initiate supportive relationship w/constructive feedback Meeting outside of class time 2-pg summary of your dyad experience
PRESENTATION OUTLINE FINAL DRAFT Look at the points (25) Must be typed, FULL-SENTENCE outline format CONTENT, FORM & FUNCTIONALITY are all important in this assignment
50pts PUBLIC PRESENTATION Informative or persuasive speech 5-6 minutes (MUST BE WITHIN TIME) – If you are overtime or undertime you will lose points – it shows that you did not REHEARSE or that you did not TIME your rehearsals VISUAL AIDS MUST BE USED !!! PRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RESCHEDULED !!!
EXAMS – 200pts 2 – 100pts each – non-cumulative Multiple choice/T&F - Covers text and lectures Must have legitimate excuse for not attending exams (i.e., doctor’s note, etc). Make-up exams are comprised of ESSAY QUESTIONS ONLY.
GRADING No changes unless I’ve made a mathematical error Discussions about grades will be held in private – not during class time I will be happy to meet with you during my office hours to discuss how you can enhance your grade
GENERAL INFO & RULES Be punctual Complete assignments on time Participate in class discussions & activities Don’t do homework from other classes during our class time Turn off cell phones & video games Do not mock, interrupt or otherwise disrespect your class- mates
SUBJECT TO CHANGE If changes to syllabus are made: – – I will reduce the amount of work – – I will give extra time for assignments to be completed and turned in – – I may waive a particular assignment altogether
STUDENT PROFILE & READING ASSIGNMEMT Due at next class meeting: ––S––S tudent Profiles ––R––R eading Chapter One Why Study Communication?
What questions do you have? ? ? ? ? ?