Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 1 Announcement 1: Presentations Component-Based Software Dr. Rami Bahsoon School of Computer Science The University Of Birmingham Office 112 Y9- Computer Science
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 2 Group Allocation Group Allocation: –Decide on a Group of 4 members for both your group presentations and team coursework Presentations by end of March. Coursework Deadline TBD –Please send me an with your group members, program of study, selected topics(see next slide) and group name by late next week to Include all your group members in the CC Indicate a date preference Use a group name in the subject head e.g., CBSGeeks, CBSAntiStress, etc. ;-)
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 3 Presentation Topics - Bidding Select three to four choices indicating your preference Topics will be allocated on first come/first serve basis I will try my best to –offer you the first choice, when possible –accommodate your chosen date –If you have any CBS related topic, practical presentation, working demos, please let me know! Simply add it to the list of suggestions under “own topic”
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 4 Topics Testing components-based software - CA Components technologies and their software engineering implications - CA Service-oriented software architectures - CA Wiring standards in CBS: the OMG Way - CA Wiring standards in CBS: the Sun way - CA Wiring standards in CBS: the Microsoft way – CA Components in product line architectures - CA Component composition and integration - CA Component frameworks- CA CA = Content Available R = Requires some research
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 5 Topics Case study: component-based embedded systems - CA Case study: architectural support for reuse: a case study in industrial automation - CA Components in mobile computing – R Components in sensor nets - R Quality of service and components – R Industrial experience with the Dassault Système Component model – CA Design by contracts – CA/R Security engineering of components - R Practical demos on a CBS implementation – R Others? Any CBS practical demos, industrial articles, etc. are very encouraged..
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 6 Pre-presentation Once you form a group and decide on a topic, a group can always get my advice on the state of play of your preparation I can provide content for some of the “CA” indicated topics – this may include one book chapter, one research paper, and/or even slides –How much content? One book chapter or one comprehensive article can make a presentation Strive for quality and not quantity Guidelines on slides format etc. will be communicated in later stages
Component-Based Software Engineering Dr R Bahsoon 7 Presentation 20 minutes presentations (10-12 ppt slides) Lively presentations –It’s all about sharing new information in a friendly workshop and relaxed supportive environment –Be creative in sharing your ideas with us –Relax, enjoy, and have fun