Chapter 2 – Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Bird Song


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Volume 26, Issue 20, Pages R941-R945 (October 2016)
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2 – Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Bird Song Biology 484 – Ethology Chapter 2 – Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Bird Song

Chapter 2 Studies of bird song have relied heavily on male white-crowned sparrows C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-ChOpener-02.jpg

2.1 Song dialects in white-crowned sparrows from Marin, Berkeley, and Sunset Beach, California C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-01-0.jpg

2.2 Hearing is critically important for song learning in the zebra finch C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-02-0.jpg

2.3 Song learning hypothesis based on laboratory experiments with white-crowned sparrows C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-03-0.jpg

2.6 Sonograms of contact calls of galahs and pink cockatoos reared under different conditions C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-06-0.jpg

2.7 Changes in the song system of young male and female zebra finches C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-07-0.jpg

2.8 The timing of gene activity in different components of the avian song control system in males C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-08-0.jpg

2.9 Gene expression in a component of the zebra finch song system C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-09-0.jpg

2.11 The song system of a typical songbird C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-11-0.jpg

2.12 Differences in the size of one nucleus of the song system C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-12-0.jpg

2.13 Single cells and song learning in the swamp sparrow C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-13-0.jpg

2.15 The song of a vocal non-learner, the eastern phoebe C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-15-0.jpg

2.16 The song control systems of parrots, hummingbirds, and oscine songbirds (Part 1) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-16-1.jpg

2.16 The song control systems of parrots, hummingbirds, and oscine songbirds (Part 2) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-16-2.jpg

2.17 Does bird song repel territorial intruders? C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-17-0.jpg

2.18 White-crowned sparrow females are attracted to the songs of male white-crowned sparrows C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-18-0.jpg

2.19 Songs match habitats C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-19-0.jpg

2.20 Dialect selection by male white-crowned sparrows (Part 1) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-20-1.jpg

2.20 Dialect selection by male white-crowned sparrows (Part 2) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-20-2.jpg

2.22 Song matching and communication of aggressive intent in the song sparrow C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-22-0.jpg

2.23 Evidence that male Cassin’s finches direct their songs at females C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-23-0.jpg

2.24 Nutritional stress early in life has large effects C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-24-0.jpg

2.25 Mean number of precopulatory displays given by female song sparrows (Part 1) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-25-1.jpg

2.25 Mean number of precopulatory displays given by female song sparrows (Part 2) C:\Figures\Chapter02\high-res\Alcock8e-Fig-02-25-2.jpg