Listening to the Learner - Week 1- Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology
Topics of Discussion: n Goals n Research Cycle n Literature Review n Assignments
Goals n PETTT’s big-picture goals n How do we measure effectiveness of learning technologies? n What is our methodology and what are our metrics? n 1.What tools are students using; how are they using these tools 2. Are expectations of the learners being met 3.Q ualitative follow-ups (focus sessions; observations in real settings)
Overview of Research Cycle n Pilot Study: Demonstrates that the methods developed work in every detail and generates further research activities worthy of attention n Refine our Research Design n Collect Data n Assessment, Analyze Data n Based on these results, develop products n Set of recommendations for redesign and/or use of tool n Revised research question (Are there other products from the pilot study?) n Consult with Partners regarding further investigation n Consult with PETTT personnel (I.e. programmers) regarding potential directions and commitment
Literature Review n Traditionally considered a systematic and critical review of the most important published scholarly literature on a particular topic. Scholarly literature can refer to published and unpublished data- based literature as well as conceptual literature materials found in print and nonprint forms.
Critical Literature Review n Uncover conceptual and data-based knowledge in relation to technology use in University communities across the nation n Uncover new knowledge that can lead to the development, validation, or refinement of theories n Reveals appropriate research questions n Provides the latest knowledge n Uncovers research findings that will impact our research design n Summarize key points you want your audience to remember
Annotated Bibliography n An annotated bibliography is a brief written commentary about references that will be influential on your research. The format of an annotated bibliography typically includes writing the reference properly utilizing APA format and writing 2-4 concise sentences summarizing the findings of the article.
Reading for the Week n Visit Please read two articles accessible through this site under “papers” Page 4 of the PETTT proposal “Research on learning and design of effective educational technologies.” “The Catalyst Project: Supporting Faculty Uses of the Web….with the Web” n Visit the UW SOUL web site: Read the “Listening to the Learner” Research Proposal in handout n Begin Literature review, compose Annotated Bibliography to communicate findings with group, post on discussion board.