Assessing Coaching Needs COS 4850
Four Roles of Coaches Coach as Guide Coach as Teacher Coach as Motivator Coach as Mentor
Coach as Guide Assessment Items Have a clear understanding of his or her role in the organization? Have clearly defined tasks/responsibilities? Have a clear understanding of what it means to be successful regarding those tasks/responsibilities? Have a plan to accomplish the task or fulfill the responsibility? Does the person you are coaching…
Coach as Guide Have a clear understanding of his or her role in the organization? Do the person understand what the organization is trying to accomplish and how his or her skills and abilities can contribute? Finding/defining the appropriate fit in the organization is the first step to success.
Coach as Guide Have clearly defined tasks/responsibilities? Can the person articulate the specific tasks and responsibilities that compose his or her role? Help to define discreet, specific definitions of tasks and responsibilities so the person can focus on issues important to success.
Coach as Guide Have a clear understanding of what it means to be successful regarding those tasks/responsibilities? Does the person know how his or her achievements will be measured? Ensure common understanding of the evaluation process and the metrics of results between the person being coached and the supervisor.
Coach as Guide Have a plan to accomplish the task or fulfill the responsibility? Has the person identified achievable, interim steps that, when accomplished in sequence, will result in successful completion of tasks? Help him or her construct a plan with milestones, interim measures, required resources, and possible obstacles.
Coach as Teacher Assessment Items Possess the skills to accomplish/fulfill the task/responsibility? Possess the knowledge necessary to accomplish/fulfill the task/responsibility? Does the person you are coaching…
Coach as Teacher Possess the skills to accomplish/fulfill the task/responsibility? Can the person acquire the skills needed? Does he or she possess required natural abilities? Why doesn’t he or she have the required skills? Is it really an issue of lack of skill or is it lack of motivation? Responsibility for learning resides with the learner.
Coach as Teacher Possess the knowledge necessary to accomplish/fulfill the task/responsibility? Does the person know what he or she doesn’t know? Help the person distinguish between the important and the less relevant.
Coach as Motivator Assessment Items Have a high level of commitment to the task/responsibility? Have an awareness of positive consequences that will result from success and negative consequences that will result from failure? Have a firm belief he or she can accomplish/handle the task/responsibility? Find the task/responsibility interesting and/or enjoyable? Have a natural inclination/aversion to the task/responsibility? Does the person you are coaching…
Coach as Motivator Have a high level of commitment to the task/responsibility? Does the person feel a sense of ownership for completion of the task? Does the person believe the task is important?
Coach as Motivator Have an awareness of positive consequences that will result from success and negative consequences that will result from failure? Are there consequences directly tied to his or her performance? Does the coach control or influence any of the consequences? What value does the person place on those consequences?
Coach as Motivator Have a firm belief he or she can accomplish/handle the task/responsibility? Is the person under-confident or over-confident? Is his or her level of confidence based on actual experience? Is this level of confidence rational?
Coach as Motivator Find the task/responsibility interesting and/or enjoyable? Is the person appropriately challenged by his or her responsibilities? Does the person have fun in his or her role? Does the person find meaning in his or her role?
Coach as Motivator Have a natural inclination/aversion to the task/responsibility? Does his or her role seem to fit his or her personality? Did the person choose his or her role or did circumstances place him or her there? Does the person have other role options or could he or she develop options?