1 Teacher Education Fast Track Program Approval and Other Registration Actions through the Chancellor’s University Report
2 Contents Step 1 – Identifying Program Needs Step 2 – Developing Change – Transitional B Certificate Program/Annotation or Extension of Certificate/Curricular Change Teacher Education/ De-Registration Step 3 – Approval Process
3 Step 1 - Identifying Program Needs Get Governance Approval Online: Submit to CUR as an action item. Make clear what kind of program this is and assign the action a number Make clear what the existing program is. Make sure to include 5 digit registration number/program code/IRP code. This is not the HEGIS code, and not the curricular code. For Example: is the IRP code for the Adolescence Education in Biology MA Program at Hunter College. You can check your IRP code at this SED website:
4 Step 2 – Developing Change Fill out form 52.21(b)(3)(xvii) Alternative Certification Program – Transitional B Certificate For Transitional B Certification Fill out applicable form From 52.21(b)(4) Requirements for programs leading to extensions and annotations i.Extension to authorize bilingual education ii.Extension to authorize bilingual education (other) iii.Extension to authorize teaching a subject in grades 5 and 6 iv.Extension to authorize teaching a subject in grades 7 through 9 v.Extension for gifted education vi.Extension to authorize coordination of work-based learning vii.Annotation to recognize additional study in teaching students with severe or multiple disabilities Do a side by side comparison of Old and New Program, being mindful of requirements in appropriate 52.21(b).3 form Also Include Appropriate Background Material Fill out SED Faculty Assignment Form Plus applicable CV’s (max of 2 pages) For Annotation or Extension of Certificate For Curricular Change No additional forms or materials are needed For De-Registration
5 Step 3 - Approval Process Mail, in duplicate, to the Director of Program Review, Articulation and Transfer with CUR Month and Item Number Receive CUR approval by Director of Program Review, Articulation and Transfer Presented to Full Board for approval as part of the CUR Action item, forms, and official letter signed by EVC are sent to SED for Registration Action Registration letter received from SED Follow up or additional questions may be asked by SED Program approval or registration action approval Changes may now be reflected in college catalogue and website
6 Glossary of Acronyms APPAcademic Program Planning BOTBoard of Trustees CAPPRCommittee on Academic Policy, Program, and Research CEOChief Executive Officer CURChancellor’s University Report EVCExecutive Vice Chancellor GACGraduate Advisory Council HEGISHigher Educational General Information Survey HEOHigher Executive Officer IRPInventory of Registered Programs LOILetter of Intent NYSEDNew York State Education Department (same as SED) OAAOffice of Academic Affairs OCUEOffice of College and University Evaluation PVNPersonnel Vacancy Notice SEDState Education Department (same as NYSED)
7 Contact/Reference Information OAA –If you need to contact OAA: call (212) or (212) ; fax (212) ; or Ekaterina Sukhanova, the Director of Program Review, Articulation and Transfer, at NYSED –Most of the NYSED forms are in this set of appendices, however, the complete NYSED forms can be found at: