Event Routing §Some VRML nodes generate events in response to environmental changes or user interaction. Event routing gives authors a mechanism, separate from the scene graph hierarchy, through which these events can be propagated to effect changes in other nodes. §Once generated, events are sent to their routed destinations in time order and processed by the receiving node. This processing can change the state of the node, generate additional events, or change the structure of the scene graph. §Script nodes allow arbitrary, author-defined event processing. An event received by a Script node causes the execution of a script function which has the ability to send events through the normal event-routing mechanism. §The ideal event model processes all events instantaneously in the order that they are generated. §A timestamp, the time at which an event is delivered to a node, serves two purposes. First, it is a conceptual device used to describe the chronological flow of the event mechanism. It ensures that deterministic results can be achieved by real-world implementations which must address processing delays and asynchronous interaction with external devices. Second, timestamps are also made available to Script nodes to allow events to be processed based on the order of user actions or the elapsed time between events.
Events & Routes (Interacting with the Scene) §A class of nodes, called sensors reacts to user events in some prescribed ways. §TouchSensor, ProximitySensor §a sensor is wired to a Script node that runs a program TouchSensor Node Sound Node eventOut eventIn Rout
#VRML V2.0 utf8 #Event routing Group { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { } } geometry Cone { } } DEF TS TouchSensor { } # define the sensor "TS" DEF DL DirectionalLight { # define the light "DL" color on FALSE } ] ROUTE TS.isOver TO DL.set_on }
Animation and User Interaction §The translation field of the Transformation node is an exposedfield §set_:incoming event l set_translation §_changed:outgoing event l translation_changed §ROUTE Xform1.translation_changed TO Xform2.set_translation §ROUTE Xform1.translation TO Xform2.translation
ROUTE §Routing should be done in same type (field) §a set_ or _changed event is the same type as the exposed field it’s associated with §use DEF & USE Group { children [ DEF LIGHT_CONTROL TouchSensor {} Inline { url [“lightswitch.wrl]}]} DEF Light PointLight { location on FALSE} Inline {url [“table.wrl”]} ROUTELIGHT_CONTROL.isActive TO Light.on
The Animation Event Path §Trigger : generates an event. Usually sensors §Logic : processing on the event. Usually script nodes §Timer : startTime of TimeSensor node, then generates time events §Engine : route time events to nodes that animate. Usually interpolator node TriggerLogicTimerEngineTarget
The Animation Event Path §Target : The browser sends the Engine’s output to a relevant node in the scene hierarchy, whoses field values changes accordingly TriggerLogicTimerEngineTarget TriggerTarget
Pointing-device Sensors §The geometry corresponding to a sensor must be a sibling of the sensor §The objects controlled by the sensor can be anywhere §TouchSensor l isOver l isActive (on click) l isActive + hitPoint_changed (on drop) l touchTime (press remaining on same object)
Using a TouchSensor node §Trigger sends a time event to the Target (the audio clip) Group { children [ DEF PUSH TouchSensor {} Inline { url [“doorbell.geom.wrl”]}]} Sound { source DEF BUSS AudioClip {url [“doorbell.wav”]} maxFront50 minFront5} ROUTE PUSH.touchTimeTO BUZZ.startTime
Drag Sensors §Interpretation of 2D dragging l CylinderSensor : rotating around local y axis spinning a globe l PlaneSensor : translating in the local xy plane #VRML V2.0utf8 GROUP { children [ DEF SKULL_DRAG PlaneSensor { minPosition0 0 maxPosition5 0 } DEF SKULL Transform { translation0 0 0 children [ Inline {url [“skull.wrl”]}]}]} ROUTE SKULL_DRAG.translation_changed TO SKULL.translation
ProximitySensor §Generates events whenever the user enters or leaves a defined box-shaped region §Sizes for box shapes can be difficult to estimate --> so, placing a Box node of the same size at the same location will give a good idea of the exact region
Timers §Time Sensor is triggered/initiated by setting startTime §cycleInterval sets the interval of animation §fraction_changed is used to calculate time elapse among the given interval TriggerLogicTimerEngineTarget Viewpoint {position } DEF DETECTORProximitySensor {size } DEF TIMERTimeSensor {cycleInterval2} DEF LIGHTPointLight { intensity0 location3 3 3} Inline{url[“chacmool.wrl”]}#objects to be lit ROUTEDETECTOR.enterTimeTOTIMER.startTime ROUTETIME.fraction_changed TO LIGHT.intensity
Engines §Convert the output of a time sensor into a change in some other type of value §interpolator & keyframe l PositionInterpolator l OrientationInterpolator l ColorInterpolator l ScalarInterpolator l CoordinateInterpolator TriggerLogicTimerEngineTarget DEF Spark_moverPositionInterpolator{ key[0,1] keyvalue [0 0 0, 0.8, 5,0]} ROUTETIME.fraction_changed TO Spark_mover.set_fraction ROUTE Spark_mover.value_changed TO Spark.translation
Example (bike rider - bike.wrl) #VRML V2.0 utf8 DEF BIKE Transform { translation children [DEF FW Transform { translation children [ Inline { url "wheel2.wrl"}]} DEF BW Transform { translation children [ Inline { url "wheel2.wrl"}]} DEF FR Transform { translation children [ Inline { url "frame.wrl"}]} ]} DEF RIDER Transform { translation children [ Inline { url "rider2.wrl"}]} DEF T TimeSensor { loop TRUE enabled TRUE cycleInterval 5 stopTime -1} DEF P PositionInterpolator { key [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] keyValue [ , , 0 3 0, 2 0 0, 5 0 0]} ROUTE T.fraction_changed TO P.set_fraction ROUTE P.value_changed TO BIKE.translation ROUTE BIKE.translation TO RIDER.translation
More examples §rider.wrl §frame.wrl §wheel.wrl
Scripting (Script node) §Bridge between VRML & programming languages. l Acting as the Engine stage to control animation l Processing input to act as the Logic stage l Interacting with the browser in certain ways binding the browser to a Viewpoint node to animate the viewer along a path l Manipulating the scene hierarchy l communicating with a server or another VRML world across a network
What to know about Scripting §How the script node acts as a bridge between VRML & JAVA §Basic JAVA classes that interact with and manipulate VRML §How to compile and run java program
The script node act as a gateway to the script itself A node Scene translation color size rotation Script node url eventOut eventin another node translation color size rotation JAVA code
Example (ChangeColor.wrl) #VRML V2.0 utf8 Transform { children [ DEF TS TouchSensor {} # TouchSensor Shape { appearance Appearance { material DEF SphereColor Material { diffuseColor } # red } geometry Sphere {} } ] } DEF ColorScript Script { url "ChangeColor.class" eventIn SFBool clicked eventOut SFColor newColor field SFBool on FALSE } # Routing ROUTE TS.isActive TO ColorScript.clicked ROUTE ColorScript.newColor TO SphereColor.set_diffuseColor
Example (ChangeColor.java) import vrml.*; import vrml.field.*; import vrml.node.*; public class ChangeColor extends Script { private SFBool on; // status of on-off float red[] = { 1, 0, 0 }; // RGB(Red) float blue[] = { 0, 0, 1 }; // RGB(Blue) private SFColor newColor ; public void initialize() { newColor = (SFColor) getEventOut("newColor"); on = (SFBool) getField("on"); } public void processEvent(Event e) { ConstSFBool v = (ConstSFBool)e.getValue(); if(v.getValue()){ if (on.getValue()) { newColor.setValue(red); // set red to 'newColor' } else { newColor.setValue(blue); // set blue to 'newColor' } on.setValue(!on.getValue()); // = !on.getValue(); } } }
Example II (mover.wrl) #VRML V2.0 utf8 DEF MOVER Transform { translation children [ DEF TS TouchSensor {} # TouchSensor Shape { appearance Appearance { material DEF SphereColor Material { diffuseColor } # red } geometry Sphere {} } ]} DEF MoveIt Script { url "MoveIt.class" eventIn SFBool clicked field SFNode node USE MOVER field SFBool on FALSE } # Routing ROUTE TS.isActive TO MoveIt.clicked
Example II (moveit.java) import vrml.*; import vrml.field.*; import vrml.node.*; public class MoveIt extends Script { private SFBool on; // status of on-off float red[] = { 1, 0, 0 }; // RGB(Red) float blue[] = { 0, 0, 1 }; // RGB(Blue) private SFNode theNode ; private SFVec3f position; public void initialize() { theNode = (SFNode) getField("node"); } public void processEvent(Event e) { ConstSFBool v = (ConstSFBool)e.getValue(); Node node; if(v.getValue()){ node = (Node)(theNode.getValue()); position = (SFVec3f)(node.getExposedField("translation")); position.setValue((position.getX() + 5), 0, 0); } } }
JAVA & The script node §getSize() §getValue() §get1Value(int index) §setValue(value) §set1Value(int index, value) §addValue(value) §insertValue(int index, value) §deleteValue(int index) §clearValue()
Compiling a JAVA script §Download vrml package (vrml.*) §put it in a directory where your classpath can reach
Project 1 §Your first project is (1) to make you feel comfortable with VRML world. Build your (static) VRML world. You may import 3D models from other tool, but you should have full control over the model to make use of them in your project 2. This project is also (2) to make your base environment for project 2 (multi user game). Therefore, think carefully in advance, not to waste your time and do it again for project 2. Your project 2 should have some component that multi users interact in 3D world. For example, car racing game needs cars and tracks at least. Shooting game needs 3D avatars and shooting environment. You build at least a car and tracks that you want to use for racing game. For project 1, your world can be static, no need to animate, respond to user input, nor events handling. Build your static world in.wrl file and test in your browser. For project 2, you will have to work towards installing (or implementing) server, EAI scripting of your VRML components using java (this also requires game algorithm – collision, running speed, etc).
§Grading : Grading of project I will be based on your world and documentation. Your world needs to have textured and navigatable environment, with multiple light sources. If your world looks reasonable enough for project 2, then you will get most of credit. For documentation, draw scene graph at least. Also use this documentation as a proposal for your project 2 since you will have to spend some time to design project 2 anyway. §Submission : Hard copy of documentation that obviously includes URL of your world by 4:00 pm of 10/8/2001.