Leading the Nation: Why North Carolina Government Representatives Want to Be in Charlotte This October Travis Hargett Travis Hargett NC Sierra Club
NATIONAL Energy Code Policy will be decided in Charlotte this October Building code officials, government representatives will be the primary decision makers on what that policy will be North Carolina is hosting these critical code hearings North Carolina local governments can decide the outcome for our nation! Page 2 Key Message: In Our Backyard!
Page 3 Reminder: Buildings Matter! Source: EIA 2007 Buildings > 40% Transportation 28% Industrial 32%
Page 4 The Rate of Change… Source: EIA 2005 Commercial Energy Consumption by Fuel –
Page 5 Electricity Sources MC2 Mathis Consulting Company Coal 49.7% Natural Gas 18.7% Hydro 6.5% Nuclear 19.3% Petroleum 3% Renewables 2.3% Source: EIA 2007
Increasing demand Supply challenges Peak power concerns National security Economic security Page 6 The Energy MEGATREND
Pick Low Hanging Fruit! A little more insulation. Better windows Better duct sealing and insulation Better lighting Proper equipment sizing Reduced air leakage Stuff that we know WORKS! Page 7 How Did We Get That Savings? MC2 Mathis Consulting Company
Plug the holes in the ship! Page 8
Economic analysis on 30% improved code in NC: Average up-front cost: $2,372 Average net annual benefit: $388 Average payback = 4.8 years! Page 9 What’s 30% Worth? Not bad for buildings that will be around for 75 to 100 years!!!
Even WITH our new NC Energy Code improvements, these national votes are important: Cost of power nationally affects us in NC Air pollution and drought don’t recognize state lines NC manufacturers serve the whole country NC leadership followed in other states Page 10 Why Should NC Care about the IECC?
Those who can least afford to live in inefficient housing Low income families and the elderly on fixed incomes spend up to 25% of income on utility bills! Inability to pay energy bills is the NUMBER ONE factor in home foreclosure! Page 11 Energy Inflation is Regressive
The Final Action Hearings (FAH) for the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) will be held in Charlotte October 27 - November 1 ICC Governmental Members will vote to establish the next model code for our nation Page 12 The Charlotte Opportunity
Number of delegates to the hearings determined by population of the university. Cost between $100 and $280 Page 13 How Many Voters? How Much $? PopulationAnnual DuesDelegation Size Up to 50,000$ , ,000$1808 Over 150,000$28012
Register with the ICC! If not already a member – join! Maximize your delegation Based on size of your university Identify a lead contact Secure travel budget Secure travel budget Page 14 Get Committed!