Egypt By Redford and Logan
Geography of Egypt Most of Egypt is a desert. The Nile River runs along the eastern side of Egypt.
Things to see in Egypt You can see a pyramid
Things to see in Egypt You can see some ancient temples
Things to see in Egypt You can see some mummies
Things to see in Egypt You can see cobras in the farmlands of Egypt
Other things to see in Egypt You can see some Egyptian stamps and money
Other things to see in Egypt You can see the step pyramid of Djoser
Children of Egypt Mohammed is 9 years old and lives in Egypt’s capital city of Cairo. He want to be a policeman He likes to eat koshari and strawberries He likes to go to the market and buy things Mohammed’s religion is Muslim. His best friend is Mahmood.
Comparing Mohammed to Redford Mohammed is nine years old. His favorite food is strawberries. He lives in Egypt. His favorite thing is a soccer ball. I am seven years old. My favorite food is pizza. I live in Oregon. My favorite thing is robot game.
Comparing Mohammed and Logan He is nine years old His family is black He has a sister He likes strawberries I am seven years old My family is white I have a half-brother I like pizza
Food in Egypt In Egypt they eat fol, olives, rice, mangoes, oranges, corn,drink coffee. They have a traditional meal called koshari.
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