Detection of present-day slab-driven mantle flow Michael S. Thorne Edward J. Garnero Allen K. McNamara Heiner Igel Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, University of Utah School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Ludwig Maximilians University
Past Ultra-low velocity zone detections McNamara et al. 2010
SPdKS seismic probe
high quality events 4221 records SPdKS data set
high quality events 4221 records SPdKS data set
PSVaxi Simulations
PSVaxi Model Space δV S, δV P : (-15%,-5%) (-30%,-10%) (-45%,-15%) (-5%,-5%) (-10%,-10%) (-15%,-15%) δρ: 0%, +10% h: 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 30 km width: 1.5°, 3.0°, 4.5°, 6.0°, 12.0° edge: 8.5° ° in 1.5° increments total: 580 models
Type A&B waveforms & ULVZ position NORMAL ULVZ Model: δV S = -45% δV P = -15% δρ = +10% h = 12.5 km width = 3.0°
Type A&B waveforms & ULVZ position Type A ULVZ Model: δV S = -45% δV P = -15% δρ = +10% h = 12.5 km width = 3.0°
Type A&B waveforms & ULVZ position ULVZ Model: δV S = -45% δV P = -15% δρ = +10% h = 12.5 km width = 3.0° Type B
Type A&B waveforms & ULVZ position ULVZ Model: δV S = -45% δV P = -15% δρ = +10% h = 12.5 km width = 3.0° Type B
Waveform Behavior
Results: Normal, Type A & B locations Tomo: Grand, 2002
δV S = -45%, δV P = -15% δρ = 10% thickness =10-15 km width ≈ km length ≈ 800 km Results: Mega-sized ULVZ
Tomo: Grand, 2002 Mega-sized ULVZ location
Tomo: Grand, 2002 Cross-Section
Thermochemical convection modeling 3 distinct compositional reservoirs i.background mantle ii.LLSVP iii.ULVZ ULVZs preferentially align along LLSVP boundaries ULVZs fast moving, merging ULVZs realign with LLSVP boundaries on hundred million year time scales. McNamara et al. 2010
Development of mega-sized ULVZ
Conclusions SPdKS capable of high resolution mapping of ULVZ position and properties. IF LLSVP’s are thermochemical piles… a)mega-sized ULVZ in LLSVP hole may be indicative of multiple merging piles. b)may give rise to mantle plumes rising near interior edges of piles. c)indeed, mega-sized ULVZ lies directly beneath the Samoa hot spot.