7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile ACS Project Lifecycle Matias Mora (based on presentation by G. Chiozzi and J. Ibsen)
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Introduction ACS related development: Short cycles Functionalities added incrementaly Main steps during each cycle: Requirements capture Implementation Integration
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Requirements Capture Goal: group functionalities in high-level “components”, identified by their interfaces Language independent Steps: Requirements identification → Use cases Interfaces identification and component breakdown Subsystem/module creation
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Implementation [1] Steps: Interfaces implementation (language specific) Component simulation Component and high level tests implementation Component functionality implementation
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Implementation [2] Previous steps are not sequential! Tests are an integral part of the implementation (test-driven development) Test layers: Unit tests Component tests End-to-end/Subsystem tests
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Implementation [3] Unit tests: implementation language specific; written by component developer Component tests: component interface specific; language independent; written by component developer or integration team End-to-end/Subsystem tests: overall subsystem requirements related; written by the integration team
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Integration Deploy all the components together in an integrated configuration database (CDB) Complexity depends on the number of components and interactions between components Main focus on high-level/end-to-end test execution
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Finally:...start all over again!
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Questions?
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Software Engineering Basics Matias Mora (based on presentation by M. Zamparelli)
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Software Module Set of related files grouped together in a directory structure Includes Makefile, implementation and tests Usually, a single component is stored in a single software module
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Directory Structure /idl Generic interface definition /include Language specific header files (C++) /src Source code /lib Application/test code libs* /bin Executables* /test Test code (separated from app. code) … (*) Populated by Makefile
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile ACS Makefile Project wide set of rules, centrally managed ( $ACSROOT/include/acsMakefile ) Each developer has to add only the module specific part → file names Based on a normal Makefile Strictly correlated to the environment variables and software module standards
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile IDL_FILES Python StubsJava StubsC++ Stubs ACE/TAO JacORB Omniorb ACS XmlIdl compiler Java Component Wrappers for Container XSDBIND (XSDBIND_INCLUDE) Java Entity Classes COMPONENT_HELPERS Java Component Helper Classes ACSERRDEF PythonJavaC++ Hierarchical Include directories Real Time Linux Kernel Modules RTAI_MODULES XML_IDL
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Test directory Place for all module specific test files Contains an own Makefile Usually contains a small CDB for component testing (also deployment example)
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile ACSROOT Default location of installed ACS binaries and libraries Directory structure similar to module structure Reference through the $ACSROOT environment variable Populated during build, if no INTROOT defined
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile INTROOT Location for binaries and libraries for system parts under development Directory structure almost identical to ACSROOT Reference through the $INTROOT environment variable Populated through Makefile build ( make install )
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Template Utility Tool to create ACS directory structures Also provides templates for files according to SE standards (Makefile, C++ headers and sources, etc.) Executable: getTemplateForDirectory
7 th ACS Workshop 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Questions?