NSDI Switzerland Organizational and fundamental aspects – Foundation: o Swiss super federalism, 26 Kantons (since 1291, 1848) o RAV, revision of official surveying (1983 – 1993) o Model Driven Architecture (INTERLIS) (1985 – 1991) o Competence Center (1994) o KOGIS coordination group for federal GI * ( ) – Standards: o SN Data security (SN = Swiss Norm) o SN Datareference model DXF (Drawing eXchange File) o SN INTERLIS 1, SN INTERLIS 2 o SN Addresses of buildings o SN Metadata (profile of ISO19115) o SIA 405, 2013, 2014 Utilities (SIA Swiss Engineers & Architec.) o ISO191xx application (xx = 03,07,09,10,11,15,17,18) o OGC principles for access to distributed data * new: NGN National platform geo-standards (Geo-Normen) Hans Rudolf Gnägi Switzerland
NSDI Switzerland Organizational and fundamental aspects – Legal framework: o ZGB (ZivilGesetzBuch), Swiss civil code o BRB (BundesRatsBeschluss) Federal Government Executuve Order on L+T (LandesTopographie) federal office of topography) o VAV (Verordnung amtliche Vermessung), order for the official surveying o TVAV (Technische VAV), technical order for off. Surv. o BRB on KOGIS (coordination group for Gi on fdl. level) -Funding: o official survey, KOGIS: federal; o standards: mixed * * new: NGN National platform geo-standards (Geo-Normen)
NSDI Switzerland Organizational and fundamental aspects – Roles and responsibilities: o L+T: maps 1:25’000, 1:50’000, 1:100’000 etc + vector data digitized from maps o V+D (VermessungsDirektion) directorate of official surveying: cadastral data o KOGIS: coordinate geo-data of all federal agencies o SNV/SVVK (Swiss Standards assoc. / Swiss association of surveying engineers): national and internat. standards o SIA: utilities – Intellectual property rights and pricing: heterogeneous, o aim KOGIS: basic data & maps 1:25’000, 1:50’000, 1:100’000 are available for free – Educational aspects: New needs MDA
NSDI: Switzerland Content – Core data: maps (digital), vectors from maps (buildings,…) cadastral (8 topics: points, land cover, parcels, adm.bd.) – Other data: Geostat, located addresses geo-post, utilities (water, gas, waste water, electricity, telecom) roads (strada DB) – Semantic interoperability: Yes with INTERLIS 1 and ITF * – Data documentation: Yes with object catalogs and INTERLIS 1 * * New with UML(+) and INTERLIS 2 (OO replaces object relational) and XML/GML
AV93-layers according federal law ( ) NSDI Switzerland AV93-layers according federal law ( ) Control points Land cover Single objects Heights Local names Ownership Pipelines >5bar Administrative subdivisions 8 Information Layers:
NSDI Switzerland Access to information – General System-neutral (INTERLIS-based) – GIS-based (C-Plan, …) fully public – inter-governamental – Discovery services communal: Zurich (Geo-Shop, sn/ig), St.Moritz (gb/fp) canton: Basel (Geo-Shop, sn/fp), Aargau (gb/fp), Zug (gb/ig) federal: SIK/GIS catalog (DOS/fp) * – Data access and geoprocessing services Geoshop = select,order and get data in different formats by e-commerce methods (still system-neutral!) * New (fall 2002): KOGIS metadata-server profiling ISO19115 (Geo-Shop, sn/fp). SIK = Swiss Informatics Conference
NSDI Switzerland User expectations and benefit – objectives of the infrastructure – Driving applications o official surveying o cities and cantons on the Internet o utilities o national metadata server of KOGIS o organization of national platform of geo-norms – eGovernment, eEurope o “guichet virtuel” just starts Swiss federal e-government o e-geo = GI part organized by KOGIS (fall 2002) – Exploitation of public information o is actually possible on communal and cantonal level o will be possible on federal level
NSDI Switzerland Highlights Swiss Federal Geodata Strategy – Signed by the Federal Government and published in July, 2001 (see – One of the main issues: NSDI is of equal importance as traffic, and telecommunication infrastructures for Switzerland! Introduction
NSDI Switzerland Highlights The ISO approach applied in Switzerland Experienced benefits of the model-driven approach: – Data transfer without information loss – computer-based data checking/validation – free schema extensibility through topic inheritance while remaining compatible – polymorphic read (automated reading of extended models) – presentation (portrayal) services based on conceptual graphic description capabilities – shareable symbology libraries – incremental update... and more!