Elliott Hedman Jim LindblomJordan McConnell Paul Steinbrecher Andrew Leung
Overall System: Block Diagram Winamp Plug-in Serial I/O Sonars (4) Relay Circuits (8) ARM 7 Water Pump Water Pump Water Pump Water Pump Fountain Head Fountain Head Fountain Head Fountain Head. (8). (8). User Computer PCB Water Fountain
Brass Water Nozzle ½” O.D. Tubing WT170 Submersible Pump … x16 …
Water Flow: 170 GPH max, adjustable Inexpensive, low power Voltage: 120 VAC Current: 195 mA Power Usage: 12 W 3 pin plug Control AC signal to turn on and off.
Relay – SPST switch controlled by signal from processor Isolation PS710A-1A Optically coupled solid state relay
Signal from processor 120 VAC 60 Hz Signal from processor x8
Sonar Sensors -Can detect objects at a distance between 2 cm and 3m away from the sensor -Can use several of these to control various pumps or valves in the system
Sonar Sensors How they work
Sonar Sensors How they work
Winamp Determine beats from music info –Perfect beat detection is difficult Sends music info to board over serial Frequency range of various instruments Winamp Plug-in Board
Winamp/Serial port listener Sonar listener Fountain and LED control FreeRTOS Serial Port Listener Sonar Listener Fountain & LED Control Winamp Sonar Sensors Fountain LEDs
Electric Zen’s Development Water Fountain Software FreeRTOS Sonar Sensors Pumps/Valves Winamp Plugin Electrical Hardware Printed Circuit Board Processor Circuitry Power Circuitry I/O for Pumps/Sensors Serial Communication Mechanical Hardware Water Network Pumps Piping System Containment
Milestone #1 Goals Have one pump and one sonar being controlled with simple inputs from Demo Board –Software is ready for the pump and the sonar –One pump responding to Winamp plug-in First revision of PCB complete, populated, and tested for functionality
Milestone #2 Goals Water fountain controlled by Winamp plug-in and sonars through circuitry on PCB. –All pumps respond to sonar and Winamp input Water fountain structure complete and inside a completed plexiglass containment
Parts List ComponentItem Unit Price Unit Qty. Total Cost Circuitry Power and Serial Cords$12.002$24 STMicroelectronics ARM7 Proccessor$14.254$57 Electrical Isolation Chips$13.502$27 ARM 7 Prototype Board$77.002$154 PCB creation (2 layer)$334$132 Headers for PCB$114$44 Sonar BoardUltrasonic Sensors$2516$400 Water Fountain Jebao Little Giant Submereged Mini Pump$3116$496 Actuator Valves$1904$760 Water Spray Nozzles$6.5016$104 Tube to Nozzle Connector$2.2516$36 Tubing to connect nozzle$316$48 Water Container (prototype)$102$20 Water Container (final$201 Luxeon I LED 1 Watt$532$160 Grand Total$ Current Funds$
Proportional Valves Underwater Lighting Simultaneous sonar/music control Outputting sound