/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Specification Framework for Engineering Adaptive Web Applications Flavius Frasincar Geert-Jan Houben Richard Vdovjak* Databases & Hypermedia Group Department of Computer Science
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Overview Introduction, Motivation and Goals Hera Design Methodology Conceptual Design Application Design Adaptation Design Prototype/Rendering Summary and Future Work
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Introduction 1436 Printing Press (Johan Guttenberg) - facilitated storing and exchange of information/knowledge on a larger scale … 1989 WWW (Tim Berners-Lee) - information/knowledge exchange boost - “everything is on the Web” !? - huge success vs. huge mess
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Motivation There are several methodologies for manual hypermedia presentation design but not so for automated design. The need for presentation automation is justified by the fact that most WIS are data driven There is an increasing need for presentation adaptation for different users/user platforms.
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Goals Develop a framework that supports automated hypermedia presentation design for WIS: –Integrates heterogeneous data sources. –Facilitates presentation (server/client-side) adaptation: Network (T1, 128K, 56K etc.) Display (PC, Palm, WAP Phone etc.) User (preferences, interaction history etc.) –Enables semi-structured data queries.
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Hera Design Methodology Originates from RMM (Relationship Management Methodology). Suggests a sequence of design steps to be taken when designing a web application. Supports –integration of heterogeneous information –automated presentation design –user/platform adaptation
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Design Methodology Steps, Models, and Processing Engines
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Conceptual Model (CM) Provides a uniform semantic view over different data sources that are integrated within a given Web application. Consists of hierarchies of concepts relevant within the given domain, their properties, and relations. Encoded in RDF(S).
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Conceptual Model Example
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May CM Example RDF(S) Syntax
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Application Model (AM) Describes hypermedia aspects of the presentation. Captures the navigational view over the CM Consists of (nested) slices and slice relationships –Slices - meaningful presentation units Associated to concepts from the CM Contain properties and possibly other slices (nesting) –Slice relationships: Aggregation relationships: index, tour, indexed guided tour… Reference relationships: link with an anchor specified. Encoded in RDF(S).
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Application Model Example
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May AM Example RDF(S) Syntax
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Adaptation/User Model Captures two kinds of adaptation –Adaptability takes into account the situation in which the user will use the presentation (e.g. the browsing platform). –Adaptivity means that the presentation changes itself according to the “state of the user’s mind” while being browsed. Consists of –Device/User Profile captures “static” visual and platform preferences encoded in CC/PP. –User Session represents the dynamic user’s state, e.g. did the user visit (learn) this slice (concept). –Application and Update Rules describe the behavior of the presentation (e.g. conditional slices in AM) and keep the User Session up-to-date (AHAM rules).
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Adaptation Model Example
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Adaptation Model Syntax Adaptability Condition Adaptivity Condition <rdfs:Class rdf:ID=“Slice.painter.main” slice:condition=“us:Biography =false”> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID=“Slice.painting.picture” slice:condition=“prf:ImageCapable=Yes”>
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Profile Example Device/User Profile (CC/PP encoding) Screen size: 100x80, preferred language: English English … No 100x80 …
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Update Rule (AHA) Example Update the Biography record in the User Session table to true after the user visited “Slice.painter.main”. … USValue us.Biography(“Rembrandt”) … false … USValue us.Biography(“Rembrandt”) … true …
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Presentation Model Based on the concept of region which contains attributes and possibly other regions. Each region has a rectangular area associated. Slices are translated to regions, one slice can be mapped to several regions. Slice relationships are materialized with: –Navigational relationships –Spatial relationships –Temporal relationships
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Region Relationships All region relationships can be guarded by a condition and/or an event. Navigational relationships: represent the classical hyperlinks. Possible events are: mouse-click, mouse-over etc. Temporal relationships: have associated a timeout event (e.g. time based on a media play duration). Spatial relationships: specify a relative position (qualitative or quantitative) between two regions.
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Presentation Model Example
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Synchronization Petri-net like notation for expressing synchronization (typical for multimedia data). Temporal Multidimensional
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May XSL Prototype XSLT code generation Two code generators: –HTML for PC Web browsers –WML code for WAP phone browsers XSL HTML WML
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Rendering
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Summary Hera methodology originated from RMM suggests a sequence of design steps. Our framework supports –integration of heterogeneous information (CM populated from several heterogeneous data sources) –automated presentation design: AM serves as a presentation blue print from which a concrete presentation is derived (wrt. a query) –user/platform adaptation (adaptability and adaptivity)
/dept. of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology wwwis.win.tue.nl/~hera WWW2002May Future Work Adaptation in all design steps including the Conceptual Model and Integration Model. Experiment with higher ontology languages (e.g. Oil) as the basis for the CM. Further development of tools for presentation rendering. Authoring tools that would help the designer to build specification models in all design steps.