Agenda Sharing current events Signing up on the listserv Journal #1 Examine the dispositions expected of teachers graduating from the School of Education, College of Charleston. In a paragraph or two, state (a) why or why not these dispositions are important, (b) what other dispositions do you consider important for a teacher to have?Examine the dispositions expected of teachers graduating from the School of Education, College of Charleston. In a paragraph or two, state (a) why or why not these dispositions are important, (b) what other dispositions do you consider important for a teacher to have? Discussion of Chapter 5—Historical Foundations of Education
Listserv membership –Lauren –Matthew –Karissa –Andrea –Alex –Ciara –Kimberly –Anna Russo –Mora –andy –Kamaya –Jennifer –Melissa –Ashley Brunson –Jessica –Ashley –Shana –Jennifer –Amanda –Kay –Brittany –Rachel
Quote prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly. –Michel de Montaigne ( )Michel de Montaigne
Myth At first glance, makes teaching attractive to people planning a career the schedule is flexible; the hours are convenient; and summers are spent at the beach Not so fast says Bonuso "Teaching involves an extreme amount of preparation. Many more hours and days involved than are specified in any given contract. Best teachers are those who invest limitless hours of groundwork to enhance their curriculum."
Chapter 5 Historical Foundations of American Education
Discussion Topics Who were the antecedents of American education? Who had access to education? Where and who taught? How did Education develop in the different colonies? What factors impacted the type of education offered in these colonies? What legacy of the historical development of education is part of contemporary American education?
Topics of Discussion Legally, who has control over education? Why? What has been the consequence or impact of this? Which Acts paved way for mandatory public schooling? Who championed state supported education: Why did private schools develop? What was the impact of the private school phenomenon?
The NEA’s influence education How did the NEA influence education and teaching? Trace the development of teacher education programs. –How did teaching as a career develop to be what it is today?
Discussion Topics Who were the key players in the development of teacher education programs? –What factors contributed to the development of Teacher Education programs? What teaching materials were used?
Discussion Topics What are: –Normal schools –Female seminaries –Dame schools –Parochial schools –Monitorial schools
Minority Education What do the following people have in common? –Benjamin Banneker –Fredrick Douglas –John Chavis –Prudence Crandall –Booker T. Washington –William E. Burghardt DuBois –Elias Neau –Maria Montessori –Pestalozzi
Women’s Education What do the following have in common? –Ella Flagg Young –Mary Mcleod Bethune –Emma Willard