Students Aaron Roney, Albert Soto, Brian Kuehner, David Taylor, Mark Hibbeler, Nicholas Logan, Stephanie Herd Tele-Operation and Vision System for Moon Exploration NASA JSC Mentors Dr. Bob Savely Mike Goza Project Mentor Dr. Giovanni Giardini Project Advisor Prof. Tamás Kalmár-Nagy
Project Members Nuclear Engineering Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer Engineering Aaron Roney Albert Soto Brian Kuehner David Taylor Mark Hibbeler Nicholas Logan Stephanie Herd Sophomore Senior Sophomore Freshman
Motivations Lunar surface exploration Human perspective In safety With low risk 3D environment reconstruction Self location with artificial vision system
Objectives Vision System Ego-Motion estimation Environment reconstruction Tele-Operation System with Visual Feedback Tele-Operation System Remote Vehicle Control Hardware and Mechanical Implementation
Visual System (onboard the Vehicle) Ground Station Vehicle Hardware WIRELESS NETWORK WIRELESS NETWORK
Visual System (onboard the Vehicle) Ground Station Vehicle Hardware WIRELESS NETWORK WIRELESS NETWORK
Theory Left image Right image u left p u right p v left p v right p u left p It is impossible to compute the 3D coordinates of an object with a single image Solution: Stereo Cameras Disparity computation 3D reconstruction Image
Main Goal: digital environment 3D reconstruction Object detection (i.e. obstacles) High level planning Self localization Use Stereo Cameras to generate 3D environment Environment Reconstruction
Disparity map computation: Given 2 images, it is a collection of pixel disparities Point distances can be calculated from disparities Environment can be reconstructed from disparity map Left ImageRight ImageDisparity Map Environment Reconstruction
Perspective Projection Equation Main goal: evaluate the motion (translation and rotation) of the vehicle from sequences of images Ego-Motion Estimation Solving will give velocities of the vehicle Optical Flow Example Optical Flow is related to vehicle movement through the Least Square solution
Reference Motion [mm]Detected Motion [mm] TxTx 04.5 TyTy TzTz ΩxΩx ΩyΩy ΩzΩz 00 Ego-Motion: Example Optical Flow Left ImageOptical Flow Right Image
Visual System (onboard the Vehicle) Ground Station Vehicle Hardware WIRELESS NETWORK WIRELESS NETWORK
Calibration and Filtering Calibration: removes image distortion Filtering Process: Improves image quality Increases the robustness of the vision system
Visual System (onboard the Vehicle) Ground Station Vehicle Hardware WIRELESS NETWORK WIRELESS NETWORK
Tele-Operations Laptop on TAMUBOT TAMUBOT Control SystemWireless Router Control PC Tropos Router Picture PC
Vehicle Vehicle Courtesy of Prof. Dezhen Song Baseline D L FOV 1 FOV 2 α Horizontal View Camera support system 3-DOF mechanical neck: Panoramic rotation Tilt rotation Telescopic capability Controlled height and baseline length
Conclusions and Future Work Demonstrated: Ego-motion estimation Environment Reconstruction Vehicle control and movement Future Developments: System integration Filtering and improving results
Thanks to: –Prof. Tamás Kalmár-Nagy –Dr. Giovanni Giardini –Prof. Dezhen Song –Change Young Kim –Magda Lagoudas –Tarek Elgohary –Pedro Davalos Acknowledgements